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Dark Revelation
Book: Dark Revelation Read Online Free
Author: S.E. Myers
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for her.  Ryleigh grabbed for the cup and the nurse cleared her throat, “You will want to take small sips at first or you will be sick.”  Ryleigh looked a little confused. 
    “Your stomach will not be used to the fluids and bounce it right back up.”
    Ryleigh nodded and took a small sip.  The cold fluid was a welcome relief to her throat that felt as if it were the Sahara itself.  “The doctor will be in momentarily, okay hon.” Ryleigh nodded with understanding and leaned back into her bed. 
                Feelings a washed Ryleigh as she remembered being told about her parents.  She just lay in the bed absorbing how she felt not knowing what was going to happen to her once she got out of the hospital. 
                Dr. Scarborough entered the room and Ryleigh’s stomach began to tighten.  He smiled as he saw her but she could see in his eyes it was an act.  “So, how are you doing today?”
                Ryleigh answered, “I’m okay I guess.  I can walk and I am not feeling much pain.”
                Dr. Scarborough looked down Ryleigh’s chart and then back at her.  “Ryleigh, do you remember what happened?”  Ryleigh felt a knot in her throat too big to talk through but somehow found the sound to choke out, “Yes,” solemnly.  The doctor approached Ryleigh kind heartedly and grabbed her hand.  “I know that this is very difficult for you.  The loss of a parent is extremely hard, even on those this young, but you are healthy and alive.  And, you also do have family that is here waiting to meet you.”  Wiping away an escaped tear, Ryleigh looked up at Dr. Scarborough.
                “I have family here?  I didn’t even know that I had family that existed.”
                She didn’t have any other family that she could remember.
                She never had family holidays or gatherings anywhere but with her parents and on top of that, she was an only child.  Her father and mother never talked about their parents or even any brothers or sisters for that matter.  Ryleigh just couldn’t remember her parents ever even having friends over to the house. 
    Dr. Scarborough looked towards the door, “You can come in now.”  As soon as “you” spilled from his lips -- in swooped a woman who looked nothing like Ryleigh would imagine anyone in her family to look like.  She was wearing a blush colored couture suit with open toed sling backs.  Her blonde hair was done up in a French twist and her eyes were so violet they were almost a translucent color.  Tall, thin, and amazingly beautiful.  She was nothing like Ryleigh had ever seen in real life.    
                “Ryleigh!” the woman exclaimed in a highly refined British accent, “I can’t believe it’s you!”  They drew in close, smelling of lavender and sandalwood sparking a distant memory in Ryleigh’s brain. 
                “I’m sorry - but I don’t know who you are,” Ryleigh gasped as the woman embraced her in a loving hug.
                “I am so sorry,” the woman said, “My name is Vera.  I am your aunt.”  Ryleigh looked stunned.
                “My aunt?  I didn’t even know my father had a sister,” Ryleigh questioned. 
    “I know darling, but I am here now and I am going to take care of you.  You are going to stay with me and get out of this dreadful hospital.”
                Ryleigh wasn’t sure what to make of this but she knew that she did not want to go back to her home that would remind her of her parents.  Her memories lived there and that was something she could not deal with at this moment.  She choked out an “Ok” and her aunt looked pleased. 
                Dr. Scarborough advised Ryleigh that she only needed a few more days in the hospital just to make sure.  Aunt Vera fussed saying that she had stayed long enough and she would speak with the
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