standing still. She looked down at herself and she was in her hospital gown. Suddenly conscious of how naked she was she started to shiver in a nonexistent breeze.
“Who are you? What do you want?” She asked more forcefully. An almost non-existent voice answered her. “You know who I am.”
“I don’t. Tell me why I am here. Please?” she begged.
He stepped out of the shadows before her sending Ryleigh into a terrified state. Her skin started to crawl as his eyes bore through her.
“Don’t be scared,” he said to her moving closer. Ryleigh couldn’t move even if she wanted to. It was as if her body was frozen by his gaze.
He was the most gorgeous creature she had ever seen in her life. At first his skin appeared to be pale blue but it became more translucent the closer he got to her. His hair was an absence of all color but it was his eyes that drew her in. They seemed to match his hair color but she started to notice the violet and blue hue to the color. His pupils dilated with each step he took towards her. She wanted to scream and run away but she was too enthralled with this creature in front of her. His gaze bore into her and she couldn’t look away. “Remember,” was all he uttered.
With that, memories came flooding back to her. She remembered the accident. She remembered her mother screaming for her father and Ryleigh in the background. She remembered the car flipping over and over and over again. She remembered the pain from being impaled upon twisted metal from the accident. And she remembered him. He was there helping her and soothing her until the ambulance arrived. But he wasn’t just soothing her.
Ryleigh grabbed her stomach remembering the pain she felt. Feeling as if her insides were on fire and she couldn’t breathe. Before she asked anything further, her vision went back to black.
Ryleigh woke in her hospital room. She lay still for a moment remembering the dream she just had and the visions of the accident. Feeling a lump beginning to form in her throat she swallowed it back down – hard. Although the emotions were raw and on edge - now was not the time for tears.
Reaching for the nurses call button connected to the bed, Ryleigh felt the urgent need to relieve her bladder. A pleasant female tone crackled over the intercom, “I’ll be right there.”
“Thank you,” Ryleigh croaked realizing how thirsty she was. She sat up examining her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was the bouquets of flowers and balloons intruding almost all of the vacant space. A giant poster board hung on the wall beside her bed wishing her to get well soon by her classmates. She felt an immense sense of appreciation and an overwhelming sadness.
A plump nurse walked in the room wheeling in a blood pressure cuff and metal tray with a pitcher and a cup. Ryleigh immediately felt grateful for her having the prompting to bring in something that she desperately needed. But urgent needs took precedence.
“Okay sweetie, how can I help you,” the nurse asked with her soft brown curls bobbing as she wrapped the cuff around Ryleigh’s arm. “I really – really need to use the restroom,” Ryleigh implored. The nurse looked at her with understanding and immediately took off the cuff. “Oh, okay, let me help you down.” The nurse escorted Ryleigh to the restroom making sure her legs were stable enough before letting her go on her own.
Still connected to the IV, Ryleigh had to wheel the contraption in with her.
Once done, the nurse brought her back to the bed where a cup of water with a straw was waiting