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Channeling Cleopatra
Book: Channeling Cleopatra Read Online Free
Author: Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Tags: Egypt, Reincarnation, cellular memory, Alexandria, Forensic Anthropology, gypsy shadow, channeling, channel, cleopatra, elizabeth ann scarborough, soul transplant, genetic blending
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matter," Chimera said.
"We are hoping that the cofferdam Nucore has sponsored across the
eastern harbor of Alexandria may yield identifiable remains of
Cleopatra the seventh. Gretchen Wolfe has asked to be the first
subject to blend with that lady, if a sample becomes
    "Gretchen? As Cleo-frigging-patra?" Gretchen Wolfe,
even in her premed days, had been as unassuming, conservative, and
even mousy as her boyfriend Wilhelm was dynamic and magnetic. The
contrast, and Gretchen's obvious adoration of Wilhelm, made the
rather too-earnest young woman touching and likable.
    Chimera nodded, and Leda gave a low whistle,
"Well, if she's Cleopatra material, then I'll be the Queen of
    Chimera heaved a slightly put-upon sigh and
asked, "Which one? Of course, we do not yet have the genetic
material from any former queens of Sheba, and it is somewhat beyond
the normal range of salary for such assignments as the one we wish
you to accept; however, special compensations are not out of the
    "Chime—Tsering—I mean,
Chimera, please. I'm kidding. It's a figure of speech, okay? Geeez, I keep
forgetting you guys were brought up in Tibet and India. Don't take
me so literally."
    "We're relieved to hear it."
    "It's just that it's kind of a stretch.
Gretchen Wolfe to the queen of the Nile, I mean."
    "In our experience, that is the point of the
blending for most recipients. They wish to become augmented, to
supply, through the attributes of the donors, those qualities they
feel they lack. In Gretchen's case, she and Wilhelm have become
estranged over the last few years, as he travels with the company
and she maintains her medical practice. She feels that the ancient
queen possesses certain feminine qualities she lacks, and she
wishes to use these to hold Wilhelm's attention. But she does not
wish Wilhelm to know until afterward. She came directly to us, as a
friend. We come directly to you on her behalf and on ours, for the
reasons we have already mentioned. You can see now perhaps why we
need someone we can trust implicitly to work with us directly if
the sample becomes available?"
    "I guess you also need someone who knows
you—and Wolfie and Gretchen—well enough to trust that you aren't
setting me up to commit industrial espionage. Not that I'm sure why
that would be to your benefit. But you see the trust needs to go
more than one way."
    Chimera nodded gravely. "Indeed. As for your
qualifications, the line of work in which you've been engaged is
the perfect background for learning our process. We will personally
instruct you in the next stage of the procedure. The work is well
paid, and you will be able to be a part of the large operation
ongoing in Alexandria. Besides Cleopatra, Nucore is interested in
the remains of Alexander the Great, Mark Antony, and the many
scholars who lived and died in that city. The company can see to it
that you are provided with a great deal of corroborative
material—samples from relatives whose gravesites are known, for
instance. Anything else you think you will need, we will try to
provide for you. But you will be working essentially alone and will
be isolated in your purpose.
    "Thus far, the findings from the site have
been architectural rather than anthropological. But if and when the
sort of material we desire is uncovered, you must take charge of it
personally and conduct all necessary tests. What do you think?"
    "Hmmm. Will Wolfie know you hired me?"
    "Oh, yes. In fact, we have already discussed
the possibility with him, and he authorized the background check
that is a prerequisite of employment. But he seemed pleased that
you might join us. Since the assignment calls for only one person,
it is good that person will be someone as experienced and discreet
as we know you to be. We simply wished to have our own private
discussion with you regarding Gretchen's desired blending. All
donor material other than the small amount required for her needs
should naturally go through the usual
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