Channeling Cleopatra Read Online Free

Channeling Cleopatra
Book: Channeling Cleopatra Read Online Free
Author: Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Tags: Egypt, Reincarnation, cellular memory, Alexandria, Forensic Anthropology, gypsy shadow, channeling, channel, cleopatra, elizabeth ann scarborough, soul transplant, genetic blending
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with . . .
    "That your government apparently trusted you
with sensitive information was, of course, another mark of your
good character."
    "That's right. It's my good character and
patriotism. Had nothing to do with the threat of being thrown in
prison or being shot for a traitor if I blabbed."
    Chimera didn't respond to her feeble joke,
just sat looking at her expectantly.
    "Okay, so I'm a good egg, and I know how to
do DNA ID, and I love Egyptology. You still haven't told me what
you need that requires someone with those qualifications. I mean,
I'm not even sure I understand why you want to keep your discovery
quiet. It sounds as if it's a pretty monumental breakthrough,
something that could make your reputation."
    "It could. Providing we are able to cope
with the publicity, with the ethical objections of fellow
scientists who would demand to see our research and deem our
process risky. And in the United States at least, we might face
prosecution for trying the process on human subjects."
    "Oh," Leda said. "That. Yeah. Well, I guess
I see your point when you put it that way. I guess I knew that but
. . . well . . . the other risky experiments I've been involved
with have all been government sponsored, so of course if they screw
up, nobody knew anything, and it didn't happen. And of course, I
never mentioned anything about it either."
    Chimera smiled. "Of course not. In addition
to all of those objections, there is the fact that we do not wholly
own our process any longer. In order to develop it, we needed
further funding, and this could only be acquired from a large
company. Fortunately, our old friend Wilhelm Wolfe has been CEO of
Nucore and its affiliates for some time. Wilhelm, when he
understood what we intended to do, had the vision to back us and in
exchange has engaged our participation in the dissemination of the
process to others who wish it. We have discussed the ethical
considerations of the process exhaustively with Wilhelm, and he is
in complete accord with our wishes regarding it. Each applicant for
the blending is usually screened by both of us. If either the
applicant or the donor material they wish is inappropriate, we will
not perform the procedure."
    "You mean, like if they wanted to blend with
Hitler or Vlad Dracul or someone evil like that?" Leda asked.
    "And these disappointed clients don't rat on
    "Not so far. Wilhelm has been able to
exercise certain controls through social and economic contacts.
Besides, those who wish such inappropriate blendings would perhaps
not wish it known to their peers what they had in mind."
    "Okay, I can see that. Sounds pretty much
like you're going to get discovered sooner or later though."
    "Later will be better. Currently, Nucore is
engaged in obtaining a wide spectrum of samples of genetic material
from historical and celebrated figures who would make desirable
donors. In some countries, such as Egypt for instance, the
government would undoubtedly disapprove of the ultimate use of the
samples if they knew about the process."
    "Undoubtedly," Leda had to agree. The
present Egyptian government was religiously fundamentalist Islamic,
though economically somewhat more pragmatic than some of the other
fundamentalist Islamic countries. "So, I still need to know: Why
are you telling me all this in secret, and what do you need me for?
I would assume with Wolfie's backing, you could have your
    "We thought we had made it clear, old
friend. We do have our pick, and we pick you." Chimera smiled and
actually patted her hand where it rested on the steering wheel. The
touch felt familiar and friendly, the hand reassuringly warm. Leda
almost expected something ghostly, chill, and ethereal. "Besides,
we cannot involve Wilhelm. What we wish you to help us with is
something we need to keep a secret from him—at least
    "But if he's your sponsor, is that
    "Oh yes. We are not planning to cheat
anyone. It is simply that this is a personal
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