men to satisfy you.” Joanna bared her teeth beneath his glove as if she’d bite him and Mike moved quickly to take advantage of her move. He lifted his hand from her mouth and shoved the towel between her teeth with the other before she could make a sound. He saw her surprise and heard her attempt to cry out.
He leaned over her and wound the ends of the towel around her head, then secured them with the tape. She struggled against him, shaking her head, making it hard to bind her. Mike had to be quick and rough with the tape. After three rounds of tape encircled her head, each one tighter than the last, she was effectively silenced. She tried to scream into the towel but barely made a sound.
He smiled at her. “We can take it a little rougher in a new city,” he promised her in a whisper. “No more complicity. No more assistance from you. I’ll just come and claim you when I want.”
Joanna shivered at that. Mike eased back slightly and taped her elbows to her sides below her breasts. He kissed her neck and whispered darkly in her ear. “I’ll have to make a last visit to your apartment before you move out here, make sure you don’t get lonely while Mike is here at work.”
Joanna froze for a moment, then struggled again.
“You can help me tie you up that time,” he promised. “Old city rules. I’ll call you and you can be ready for me.” Joanna was breathing quickly, her cheeks flushed. Mike knew she was excited. He taped her wrists together in front of her chest, then secured her arms to her body with more tape.
He eased back, trapping her thighs beneath his weight, and unfastened her jeans. He eased them over her hips along with her panties, then touched her wet puss with his gloved fingertip. She was so wet that he was almost overwhelmed with desire.
Joanna closed her eyes and would have gasped in pleasure if she hadn’t been gagged.
Mike rubbed her clitoris with the seam in the finger of his glove, knowing that she liked that best. He liked being able to smell how aroused she was. He tugged off her jeans and threw them across the room, knowing he had to make this scene last and not sure how he would manage it. He was too excited himself to take it slow.
Maybe taking her fast would be the best way.
Taking her twice.
When her jeans were off and cast aside, he surveyed his captive, taking his time so she’d feel her helplessness. Then he stretched his length over her, crushing her into the bed beneath his weight, and closed one hand over her breast. He worked the nipple with his gloved finger and thumb, feeling her excitement even through the T-shirt.
“You’ll never be rid of me, Joanna,” he whispered into her ear, punctuating his promise with a kiss to that tight nipple. “You might as well be marrying me and Mike.”
Joanna’s eyes flashed.
Then he reached back into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a fur-lined blindfold. He saw Joanna’s surprise and knew she hadn’t seen him pluck it out of the box of toys. He fastened it over her head and felt the surrender slide through her body. It was always potent for her to be blindfolded and he wanted to ensure she remembered this night.
It would be their last time together before their wedding night.
Mike slid down the length of her, parted her thighs with his gloved hands and closed his mouth over her pulsing sex. He held her ankles firmly in his hands, keeping her open to him. Joanna moaned and twisted, her clitoris so hard that he knew she’d come quickly if he wasn’t careful. He began to eat her with deliberation, sliding his tongue over her slowly and savoring the way she shuddered.
He built her desire as slowly as he could, trying to make it last. He could feel the heat of her skin and saw the flush that began to spread over her body. He felt her pulse racing and noted the way she shivered, heard her muffled moans. He was harder than hard himself, ready to drive himself home and come big, but Mike still wanted more. He