Camp Rock Read Online Free Page A

Camp Rock
Book: Camp Rock Read Online Free
Author: Lucy Ruggles
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
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they’re good!” Peggy cried. “Let’s hear one!”
    Mitchie shook her head as Tess grabbed the journal and started flipping through the half-filled pages. “Why not?” Tess asked. “We’re friends now, right?”
    Mitchie hesitated for a moment. “Well … okay,” she stammered. Clearing her throat, she started to sing her most recent song, the one she had belted out in the mess hall.
    Embarrassed, Mitchie stopped after three verses. “It’s not that good,” she said, looking away.
    Peggy gave Mitchie a look that said she was crazy. “What? It was totally good. Right, Tess?”
    â€œTotally,” Tess agreed in a voice as sweet as a piece of apple pie. Then she tossed the book back to Mitchie—a bit harder than necessary.

    I t was early, and the soft, hazy light of dawn was just beginning to filter through the cracks in the walls of the Vibe Cabin. Outside, it was quiet except for the sounds of chirping birds.
    The silence was abruptly pierced by the muffled ring of Mitchie’s alarm clock. Mitchie shoved her hand under her pillow to silence the buried clock. She looked around. Ella stirred slightly but fell back to sleep.
    The coast clear, Mitchie jumped from her bed, grabbed some clothes, and began to tiptoe past the sleeping girls. Accidentally, her knee
bumped Ella’s cot.
    Ella raised her head, her eyes squinty. “Mitchie?”
    â€œUh … you’re dreaming … you’re a rock princess,” Mitchie whispered in a soothing voice.
    This pleased Ella, who smiled sleepily. “Okay, I rock,” she said before her head dropped heavily back onto her pillow.
    Mitchie let out a sigh of relief and made her way out of the cabin and down the path to the kitchen. She had work to do.
    A short while later, a line of hungry campers snaked around the mess hall. Slipping out the back unnoticed, Mitchie made her way around to the front, where she joined the impatient throng. Entering the big room, she searched the crowd, looking for a place to sit. She finally spotted an empty seat at a table with Caitlyn, Lola, Barron, and Sander. Catching her eye, Barron waved her over.
    â€œHey,” she said, sliding in next to Caitlyn.
    â€œSlumming, I see?” Caitlyn said.
    â€œWhat?” Mitchie asked, confused by Caitlyn’s cool tone.
    At that moment, Tess, Peggy, and Ella came through the mess-hall doors. They spotted Mitchie.
    â€œHey, Mitchie!” Tess called loudly. “Over here!”
    Mitchie glanced over at Caitlyn.
    â€œYou’d better go.” Caitlyn snickered. “The queen awaits.” Then, as Mitchie stood up, Caitlyn asked, “Your music? Are you any good?”
    Mitchie didn’t know how to answer the question. “I don’t know.” She shrugged modestly. “Maybe. Kinda.”
    Caitlyn nodded. “Word of advice,” she said. “If you want to be friends with Tess, don’t be.”
    By now, Tess was gesturing and yelling louder at Mitchie from across the mess hall.
    â€œSee ya around,” Caitlyn said coldly.
    Not knowing what to say, Mitchie left. Once at Tess’s table, Mitchie immediately got interrogated. “What happened to you this morning?” asked Tess suspiciously.
    â€œEarly riser,” Mitchie answered quickly. “Yum, toast!” She grabbed a piece of plain toast and stuffed it in her mouth before Tess could ask any more questions.
    M eanwhile, someone else’s alarm clock had not gone off. Shane hadn’t even set it. Instead, he was rudely awakened by his uncle ripping off his blankets.
    â€œWhat the … ? What?” Shane grumbled.
    â€œRise and shine, superstar,” Brown said as his nephew groaned and buried his head under the pillow. “Mate, don’t make me do this.” When Shane made no attempt to get up, Brown picked up a glass of water and threw it on him.
    â€œHey!” Shane shouted,
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