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8 Mile & Rion
Book: 8 Mile & Rion Read Online Free
Author: K.S. Adkins
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looking at the floor. “I miss him.”
    “Him who?”
    “My dad,” she says choking up. “I miss my dad.”
    Then the last thing in the world I expected to happen, happened. She leaned into my chest, wrapped her arms around me and fell asleep. Minutes passed and she didn’t move a muscle so I scooped her up carefully, carried her to the living room and when she wouldn’t let go, let her sleep on my chest. I don’t know what fucking dimension I walked into, but this was the weirdest days I’ve ever had.
    Semi homeless with a hot chick on my chest. Jesus Christ, is she sniffing my neck now? What the fuck next?

‘In this business, my business, I get to meet all kinds of incredible people, fascinating people, glamorous people and sexy people and highly intellectual people. And you meet them and you go 'interesting, interesting, interesting'. They're interesting, but not very many people stop you in your tracks.’
    Waking up slowly and beautifully pain free, it’s when I stretch and my hand hits him in the face that my eyes go round and I freeze up. Oh my god, did I climb him like a tree in the middle of the night? If so, I don’t remember doing it. I remember puking, crying and the smell of something close to Old Spice then…nothing. Holy hell why did he let me? I don’t even know his name! Groaning to myself, I attempt to disengage but just as I get my right arm back, he tightens his grip on me and I’m oh shit …stuck on top of him.
    The plus side here is he’s incredibly warm, with a scent that begs me to settle in to him and stay for a while. Even when he was snarling and growling at me last night, he didn’t scare me much. Well, he did at first, but right after that he went out of his way to make me feel safe which was at odds with his theatrical entrance. It was the after stuff that convinced me he wasn’t as harsh as he pretended to be. Don’t get me wrong, I know he wasn’t a happy guy but he is an honorable guy, I can just tell. So when his huge tree trunk of a leg covers both of mine and he mumbles ‘Jill’ I wince in disappointment. Of course, he thinks I’m someone else. Why shouldn’t he? A virile man like this one would be taken. Even if he was kind of a dick in general, I bet he treats her with respect. He may not be easy on the eyes, but he screams the “cave man, protect woman, me bad ass, you dead” vibe and at that moment, I was envious of Jill.
    Knowing I couldn’t stay here sniffing him all morning, although the thought did hold merit, I try to remove myself again. This time he tightened his grip to the point that I squeal out in pain, then he jack knifes up taking me with him. Trying not to cry in his presence, he seems to shake himself of the pre-wake fog, looks down at his hand gripping me like a vice, then pushes me away like I’m contagious. When my ass hits the floor with a thump, he backs away until he hits the wall yet it appears it still wasn’t far enough for him.
    Meh. I’ve had worse reactions.
    “I hurt you,” he growls looking sick with himself. Told you, honorable.
    “I’m okay,” I whisper hoping the tears won’t fall because even though I know he didn’t mean to do it, it’s still going to leave a mark and for some stupid reason I bruise easily.
    “Don’t come near me when I’m asleep ever again,” he mumbles, walking out of the room and slamming the door to the bathroom. Getting up myself I decided to give the big guy a wide berth and let him work out his issues alone. I don’t know why I attached myself to him but I did and I had no right to. Just because he smelled like home didn’t mean he’d laid out the welcome mat for me. Staring at the wall he’d been holding up, I’ll admit this behavior was out of character for me. I enjoyed men, most of the time. However, I didn’t make it a habit to crash out on strangers chests either. Hitting the ‘on’ button for my Keurig, wanting to forget the weird wake up call, I check my
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