chosen the Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme. With her dark hair swept up in an Audrey Hepburn coif and big dark sunglasses, she looked dark mysterious and gorgeous. But then again, she probably looked dark mysterious and gorgeous no matter what she wore.
I watched her make her way down towar d the other girls and overheard one of them whispering to one another, “Isn’t the bride supposed to make the big entrance? Not the maid of honor?”
The other girl laughed in response .
I smiled to myself. My thoughts exactly.
As Dahlia entered the living room and exchanged air kisses with her guests, I glanced over at Babette to see her reaction. But from what I could tell, she seemed fine. So fine in fact that I couldn’t believe she knew anything about Dahlia Wiggins and her supposed affair with Doug.
Though Babette was obviously tired from being up late , baking the night before, other than her bloodshot eyes, she was her usual perfectionistic self. She was focused solely on her delicious creations as she gave some last final tweaks to the table.
The ladies went outside for breakfast, and after about an hour of feasting on French toast, eggs Benedict and fresh fruit, they came in for dessert.
Everyone was oohing and aahing over the lovely Bundt cakes on our table. As I poured cups of tea for those who wanted them, I overhead a pretty redhead to my left talking to a tall blonde. It was obvious they were talking about some guy they both thought was handsome and I didn’ t pay much attention at first. Until the redhead mentioned how much she loved his British accent.
I looked up wondering if they were talking about Casey but then realized there had to some other Brits in the area. He couldn’t be the only one .
“His family’s very successful in real estate,” the blonde said. “And I think his father’s a lord.”
When the redhead mentioned his gorgeous green eyes, I knew for sure it had to be him.
As I moved towards them, to ask if they wanted some hot tea, I couldn’t help but hear even more of their conversation. Red was saying that the future Lord Baron was gorgeous , and even though he was dating someone she knew, she still hoped he’d asked her out. But Blondie said he had a fiance back home in London, so what was the point anyway?
I went back to the cake table, disappointed, for some reason. I mean, I knew Casey was a snake, per Babette and h er dealings with him. But still…was every guy a cheat? Were there no honorable men left?
I took a deep breath and told myself it didn’t matter—it had nothing to do with me. I needed to focus on myself and my work.
“How’d the gluten free Bundt come out?” I asked Babette. “Which one is it?" I was looking around the table but didn’t see anything labeled gluten free.
“Oh dear, I must’ve left it in the van! I better go get it.” Babette fluttered her hands down her apron and rolled her eyes at her own absent-mindedness. “Must be from lack of sleep,” she said and then hurried through the living room and out the front door.
As people chatted quietly, I poured more tea and answered questions about the different cake flavors. Dahlia came to the table, champagne glass in hand. I offered her a cup of hot tea but she shook her head, ‘no’ as she scanned the table.
“Babette went to get the gluten free cake for you,” I volunteered .
She gave me an icy smile then she went back into the living room where she sipped her champagne and stood, looking around the room, a thoughtful expression on her pretty face.
“Girls,” she called out, then waited until she had everyone’s attention.
Most of the ladies had taken seats on chairs or on the sofa and were nibbling on their cakes and sipping their tea. They looked at Dahlia who was standing at the head of the room, by the fireplace .
“Okay. Girls,” she said with a sly smile. “It’s time for another shower game. Ready?”
Some of the girls nodded. Some groaned.
“This game is