Southern Comfort Read Online Free

Southern Comfort
Book: Southern Comfort Read Online Free
Author: Ciana Stone
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Analise. She'd wrecked everything. If she'd left things alone, he could have taken Gina and fled. But now that escape route had been ruined.
    Damn Analise.
    The sound of his office door closing had him whirling around with his heart pounding. He almost lunged for his desk drawer where he kept the handgun he purchased a few months ago. What met his eyes didn't slow his heart-rate, but the speed had nothing to do with fear. Gina Russo. Just looking at her aroused him. Even now he marveled that she had fallen for him.
    Gina was not yet thirty, had the body of a Victoria's Secret model, a face beautiful enough to stop traffic and was, without a doubt, the most passionate, and inventive lover imaginable. There was nothing she wouldn't try and she indulged his every fantasy.
    Just looking at her inspired an erection. Rodrick had never wanted a woman the way he wanted Gina. She had appeared in his life during a time when he and Analise were little more than room-mates, navigating the house in ways to avoid running into one another.
    Gina had brought laughter, excitement and passion back into his life. He would do anything to keep her.
    "Gina, what are you doing here, darling?"
    "I was worried." She crossed the room to him, her walk that sensual sway that made a man's eyes move up and down her body. "You were so distracted today at lunch and after that fight you had with—"
    He put his fingers to her lips. "Shhh, I told you, it will be fine."
    She raised both hands to wrap around his wrist and guide his finger into her perfectly colored and glossed lips. He couldn't stop the reaction of his body to her actions.
    When she slid his fingers from her mouth, she dropped his hand and placed hers on his chest, leaning in a bit closer.."I'm frightened, Ricky."
    "Of what?"
    "My safety. My credit card. The one you got me a few months ago. It was declined today at Macy's. And when I left, two men in a dark sedan followed me at Macy’s, and when I left I was followed by two men in a dark sedan)
    "Are you certain they were following you?"
    "Yes. They pulled up to the curb when the driver stopped at the penthouse."
    Rodrick pulled her into his arms. "I'll figure a way out of this, Gina."
    She pushed back to look at him. "You better."
    With that she pulled away, hugging herself. "I wake at night in a cold sweat, imagining what kind of financial ruin this could put you in."
    She pivoted on one sharp pointed stiletto to face him. "Are you sure you don't know where the money is?"
    "Yes, I told you. I've looked but Rolf has me locked out of some parts of the system and—"
    "Then find someone who can let you back in!  Ricky, you have to do something!"
    "I know. And I'm trying. I swear I am. Just give me a little more—"
    "No." Gina held up one manicured hand. "I love you, Ricky, but I live in a state of anxiety and I can't go on like this. You have to do it now or…or I will have to – to walk away."
    "No!" He rushed to her, taking her by the arms. "No. You can't leave me."
    "I can. I won't have a choice if you don't do something."
      I'll fix this Gina. Somehow I'll fix it. I promise. I'll find enough to satisfy them for now until I can figure out where the rest of it is."
    "What about the money your wife stole from you?  Can't you get that?"
    "She put it in an account in her name only."
    "But you're her husband."
    "That doesn't matter. Unless she dies, I can't touch it."
    "So you can't touch it even though you’re married but if she died you could?  That doesn't make sense."
    "It's because of our wills. Were she to die, her will gives me everything she has, including the money she took."
    "Then it's a shame that bitch didn't get run over by a truck today."
    "Gina, darling, you don't mean that."
    "Oh yes I do. It's her or us, Ricky. Which is more important to you?"
    Rodrick pulled Gina into his arms to hide his expression from her. She'd always been able to read him and he had no desire for her to know the chill her words gave. He'd admit
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