and gentlemen; it’s very clear the USA decided to attack us by turning off all of our electrical power. We have to…”
The LSA’s first Vice President, Elizabeth Wrannt says, “Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt, but, it’s not all of our power. My staff has completed a list of the areas that still have power, a few of these examples are; hospitals, senior homes, pharmacies, here’s a very strange one, amusement parks until everyone on a ride was able to exit the ride. Elevators that would have been stuck in-between floors. Once every elevator reached the ground floor, they ceased working. Power continued to function until everyone at risk was safe. It’s a very unusual way to attack us. They attacked us by spending a huge amount of effort not to kill or even badly harm anyone. The Gray House has power, yet every house around us, except for one a block away doesn’t have power.”
“That’s a very interesting observation. Does anyone know anything about the home a block away that still has power, maybe they have a generator?”
Elizabeth continues, “Mr. President, that’s another very unusual point, almost every generator has been blocked, they turn on and once connected to an electrical appliance, they are remotely turned off. I think we should send someone to the house that has power to check it out.”
Bloomberg replies, “Excellent idea. Security, send one of your people to that house and bring the owner here so we can question them. We want to know why they have power. While security is going to check out the house, let’s discuss what we’re going to do to get our power back on. Who has an idea?”
The LSA Minister of Truth, Mr. Kory Booker, stands saying, “Mr. President, I suggest we issue a press release denouncing the USA for putting our citizens at risk. We should condemn them in the strongest possible terms. I suggest we sue them at the World Court.”
“Yes, yes, issue all the releases you want. However, does anyone think President Rand cares one whit about a press release? How is that going to get our power turned back on?”
Elizabeth says, “Sir, we have to ask the Russians and our other allies for support. Maybe foreign made generators will work, maybe a foreign made power plant will function. Maybe they can supply us with large solar arrays.”
The Director of the LSA Department of Internal and External Security (DepLIES) says, we have the world’s largest solar arrays; they are generating electrical power, however when connected to the grid, no electricity flows into our grid. Our instruments confirm they are converting sunlight into electrical power; it’s being blocked from reaching our people.”
Bloomberg says, “Then where is it? Where is it going?”
“Sir, we don’t know. We can’t find it. The cells generate power. However, once it hits the grid it just disappears.”
“What do you mean it just disappears? Electrical energy can’t just disappear.”
The Director of the DepLIES says, “Mr. President, I suggest an experiment; we have a solar array on the roof, we can connect measuring probes to the cables and measure if the solar cells are generating electrical power. I think you’re going to see they are generating power, we can trace the power to see where it disappears.”
The group takes the elevator to the roof of the Gray House. They gather around the array of solar cells covering the entire south side of the roof. The Director of the DepLIES clips a monitor to the leads coming from the large array, “Sir, look, they are generating electrical power. We have power in the Gray House; these cells combined with our