windmills generate more power than we require. We feed the extra power back into the grid. We can check the connection to the grid on the other side of the roof.” He leads the group to the junction box where the solar array connects to the LSA electrical grid. “Sir, watch this.” The meter spins around and goes to zero.
Bloomberg holds the electrical test meter in his hands, staring at it, he says, “Where is it going? Who’s stealing or blocking it?”
“Sir, only the USA has the technology to do this. I strongly suggest we call on our allies for help. If the USA continues to withhold power our entire economy will collapse. Sir, people have already stopped going to work, they are scared. Some have tried to leave LA and other cities, they fear we’re going to be in a major war with the USA soon. They fear we’re going to be attacked.”
President Bloomberg looks around at his senior staff, he looks around the neighborhood where the Gray House is located, he sees people carrying large plastic bags over their shoulders leaving their homes. He nods to himself thinking, We can’t solve this by ourselves. We need help, Rand has attacked us. We need to evoke our treaty with our partners. We need their help to show the USA they can’t push us around and do anything they want to us. We have to teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget. It’s time for us to give back to Rand.
The group returns to the bunker, President Bloomberg picks up a bright red handset with no dial on it. There’s a small card on the front of the telephone base station which says, “MOSCOW,” the phone is answered on the third ring, “Da? President Grameniko’s office, how may we be of assistance?”
“This is President Bloomberg in the LSA, I’d like to speak with President Grameniko on a very urgent issue.”
“Da, President Bloomberg, President Grameniko is currently in a meeting with his senior advisories, he expected your call. He instructed me to inform you he will call you back at 1600 hours your time. Is that going to meet with your approval?”
“What time is 1600 hours?”
“President Bloomberg, that will be 4:00 PM your time.”
“Please inform President Grameniko that will be fine. We will be waiting for his call.”
President Bloomberg looks around the table saying, “We have two hours to put a list together of what were going to be asking Grameniko for, I’m opening the floor to suggestions, Elizabeth would you please record the list?”
They go around the room creating a list of what they want from Mother Russia, the list includes such items as, use of their military, electrical generating systems, distribution of food and water, some ask for a supply of vodka and even caviar.
Bloomberg says, “Enough, we need to get our power turned back on and teach the USA they can’t treat us this way. I want to teach that son-of-a-bitch in the White House that he can’t get away with treating us like this. I want to hurt him and push his nose in crap until he meets with us as equals.”
Director of DepLIES says, “Sir, they have nuclear weapons; they have…”
“They have weapons which they’ll never use against us. They are soft. They think one day they will find a way to reunite the country and as such, they won’t do anything to create too much damage to us, they won’t harm our people who they still consider to be theirs. We have the advantage of knowing they will hold their punches while we don’t have to hold ours.”
Elizabeth says, “Mr. President, I agree with your thought. However, there is one small issue, one that interferes with your