the bacteria in my little brew, it will be extremely virulent … yeah, so it wont take much. All I have to do is bring a couple of ounces. That should do it. Probably a lot less will do … yeah, but it should be just as easy to get 2 ounces in that soda as one and the more the merrier … to coin a phrase. But suppose it leaks or spills over me??? Shit! Cant wear surgical gloves and green scrubs, that—wait a second, what the hell am I talking about? Its not going to do me anything if it touches my skin for gods sake. It has to be ingested. Any old bottle with a tight cap will do just as long as its small enough to hold in one hand and dump the contents into that cup without being noticed. Yeah, thats important. Well maybe not. Even if someone notices me with a little bottle who is going to associate that with someone dying from E.coli poisoning? Even if they do hear of it. No, no, a case of a purloined letter. Simply look and act like anyone else in there and no one will remember. A little misdirection will help. Yeah, reach in a different direction with one hand while the other drops the E.c in the cup. Better practice that. Yeah, be able to do it with my eyes closed just like taking the gun apart and reassembling it blindfolded. Train the body. If the mind bogs down with fear the body can still do what it has to do. Yeah … Okay. So, where am I? Two ounce bottle. Any bottle. Wont be seen, hopefully, so something that fits easily in the palm of my hand and is easy to open while concealed. Actually, any old bottle will do. Have to keep this simple. Nothing fancy. So, where am I? Got my culture cooking and by the time the test kits get here it should be done. And I/ll know what hes up to and everything will be ready. In the meantime better get some work done. Funny, been making a living with computers for years, and love them, but this is the first time Ive had so much fun. This goes so much beyond making a living. This truly makes living worthwhile. Oh I love you, love you, my little sweetheart. What was that old phone ad, something like, Reach out and touch somebody today, or tell them you love them, or some such thing? Whatever. But we will reach out and kill some one. Yes in deed. Someone who truly deserves it … who needs it. Or at least the rest of the world does. Okay, enough of that. Just relax, get some work done, and tomorrow we take the next step in our little endeavor.
… well, one thing I know I wont be doing is parking in the parking lot. God only knows how many different disasters could occur (dis ass ter? hell, damn near killed her), and too easy to shut down the exits, not that there should be any reason for that, Im not going in there with an arm load of automatic weapons. This is a Federal Building, not a high school. But there—enough of this negativity. This is simply a reconnaissance mission, a simple fact finding endeavor. This seems like the best place to park, but think I/ll cruise around, circle the block, make sure Im familiar with the area, dont want to take anything for granted … Not too much traffic down here, a simple drive. But Im not making a getaway from a bank robbery. Just fitting in, thats all, just fitting in with my surroundings. Dont want to get too dramatic or James Bondish about this. Sure as hell dont need histrionics. No cops and robbers or spies in from the cold. No shooting it out with coppers and making it to the top of the world …
Okay, this is the best place to park. Simple access to the area. Yeah … good … So, here we go, a simple stroll along the ugly Federal Property. I guess all governments, at all levels, want you to know youre on government property by making it, at the very least, unattractive. Its incredible, as soon as youre out of the government area the streets are tree lined and shady, birds sing, everything looks, sounds and feels peaceful, then one more step and youre