continued walking around the temple. Something had drawn her here.
In the eastern gallery she noticed something, relief on the wall that was familiar. She recognized it as the Churning of the Sea of Milk from Hindu legend. Vishnu was holding something, and commanding the serpent Vasuki to churn the sea.
That something Vishnu was holding was a sphere.
But it wasn’t Vishnu that was important, or the sphere. It was the location. Like a lock tumbler clicking into place she could feel the information start to register. There was something at the edge of her perception, something...ah, Ley lines. It was the Ley lines that were the key, so to speak. And she had spent the last few days trampling all over them.
She had figured it out.
This was more drudgery than Arthur was used to. Pouring through ancient records hidden away in the basement of the British Museum was not his idea of fun. It was unfortunately his task though, since he was the only member of the family who read ancient Egyptian and Cuneiform.
Damned hobbies. He knew it would bite him the in ass someday.
There were certainly lots of hints he was coming across, but not only did they have to find references to things that might have been the Key, it had to be to the one Key they didn’t already have. That was proving to be a stubborn problem.
They didn’t even know if the remaining Key was even on the planet, or if it had been blown out into space like the An-Navit Key.
He suddenly felt Jessica intruding on his thoughts.
Arthur knew the reference. Baalbek, Lebanon. An ancient site built by the Romans. In fact, what the Romans built was on top of something far more ancient, possibly by thousands of years. Nobody had ever sufficiently explained how stones as large as two thousand tons had been placed with exacting precision at the top of the mountain, creating a massive platform. What had been the purpose of that platform? And what did it have to do with finding the Key?
The last Key was the Key of Locations, as in movement. Baalbek was the last landing platform ever made by Atlantis before the collapse.
Arthur didn’t know if he believed it. The kingdom of Atlantis had been primarily in what were now called the Americas. The middle east had been ruled by what would later be known as the Greeks.
He could feel Pan’s presence then, intruding. Baalbek was an embassy. It was a landing place for Atlantis so they could have local negotiations with the Greeks at a neutral site. It failed of course, because the Atlanteans couldn’t keep their side of any bargain.
He still didn’t see the connection. So what if Baalbek had been Atlantean? It still said nothing about the location of the final Key.
Right then he could actually feel Jessica smile from halfway around the world. Meet me at Baalbek .
Arthur used the trick John had showed him, and a moment later he was standing on a massive array of ruins overlooking the Beqaa valley. He’d never been to Lebanon before, and the beauty of it struck him. The lights in the city below gave an sombre glow to the whole area, while the Roman columns beside him were a reminder of his own age. Finally, he thought, a building older than me!
Thankfully it was nighttime, otherwise their little meeting might have drawn some unwanted attention.
Jessica and Pan were already there. A few seconds later John arrived. His daughter was smiling widely, somewhat to the confusion of the three other men present.
“You’re all looking at it the wrong way,” she started. “You’re looking for the location of the final Key. But it’s not about the location of that Key.”
“I’m not sure I follow,” John said, echoing all of their thoughts.
“The final Key was used for travel, not just for people but for moving megaliths like the ones we’re standing on now. In fact it had to have been used to move these stones.”
“So?” Arthur asked. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Pan was grinning. He knew