greatest shame.
“She is our last hope my brothers. There is no time for us to make the journey, and we all know she is more powerful than all of us put together, even if she doesn’t even realize it.”
They all watched him, checking his emotions.
“I also fear they have already guessed we have cracked the code. At this very moment I can feel them gathering, getting ready for one last all-out assault. And who knows , this time they might succeed in penetrating the barriers.” He turned to face the council members.
“You will have to forgive me for not telling you more. For not giving you the t ablets location. But you must find it strange that they can predict our every move? So you will indulge an old mans paranoia when I tell you that only myself and Minika know of the powerful s tones location.” He waited for an uproar, but none was fourth coming.
“See we are growing weak. None of you even speak up like you use d to, all like sheep doing anything I ask.” None could meet his eyes –they knew h e was right.
“Within a few days we will know if sh e ha s succeeded. Mainly, because if she doesn’t we won’t be around long enough to try again. You see there’s a downside to all this, that which I can gather from the Ancient Book. The down side being, if we let them reach the s tone first, they can use the Spell to do the same to us, as we intend to do to them .”
Chapter Three
T he great King Vorr sat on the throne; his throne. He had worked long and hard to gain the position he now had, and it was all about to fall apart because of one sniveling human being.
“They know its location,” Vorr said between his talon hands, which were cupping his narrow face. Long red fingers tapp ed his protruding fangs as he talked.
“I can feel them stirring. I can feel their anticipation.” His voice was deep and gravelly. Spittle fleck ed from his long teeth.
“But sssire we are ssstill awaiting conformation from your ssssssource,” Slis hissed between his gummed mouth. A creature which was groveling before the large throne. The creature looked like the cross between a snake, a mutated fish and a dripping hosepipe. It was all scaly, tubular and had countless appendages, all w ere at present prostrate down before the throne.
“Bah. She has grown weak and frightened, but then that’s why she approached us in the beginning…” he tailored off. “The weakling,” he spat.
One of the creatures bowed low to the ground; it could lick the ground if it wanted to from its position.
“What do you wish us to do sire?” Qwat, the second groveling creature, inquired. Qwat, when stationary, looked like a square lump of brown, warty, flesh. It wasn’t until he moved that arms and legs could be discerned.
Many creatures filled Vorr’s chamber –his throne room. The two stood before him were messengers – lackeys, willing to do any menial task just to get recognition from their Lord. There was a time when these creatures saw none as their equal, more-or-less one to rule over them. But times have changed. Being sent into another dimension by the powerful Spell of eons past changed some of their views. Once they had fought each other, with no leadership and no direction. But then they never thought they would be sent away and imprisoned. They d idn’t even believe it was possible .
Vorr had crawled and kicked his way to the top, many lay dead beneath him. He had many scars to prove his ascension to leadership. All the other species leaders bowed down to him.
Vorr was what some would call a demon. But that name conquered up false images, ones of a tall red humanoid creature with a whip tail, large leathery bat like wings and long twisted sharp horns , living in Hades, or as some called it, Hell. But it was a big misunderstanding , they didn’t live in Hades they lived on e arth .
Stories and false ideas passed down from generation to generation had warped the true story . They