it:
it
has
to
be
over.”
While
Alexander
babbled
like
a
would-‐be
recovering
alcoholic,
Michel
mulled
it
over
before
launching
into
a
stern
monologue
that
did
not
call
for
response.
“The
first
thing
that
needs
to
be
clear
is
that
you
have
started
this
and
cannot
stop
it.
She
has
my
number
and
have
instructed
her
to
call
me
in
three
days.
If
you
find
yourself
full
of
regrets
when
all
is
said
and
done,
blame
yourself.
Next,
need
to
tell
you
that
find
it
an
honor
that
you
would
have
made
such
an
offer
to
me.
Clearly
my
love
for
you
as
a
friend
is
only
burgeoning,
but
it
is
already
strong
and
am
moved
to
find
that
this
is
true
also
for
you
to
the
point
that
you
would
introduce
me
to
your
mistress.
You
see,
in
France,
it
is
considered
a
bond
of
friendship
and
an
honor
to
share
a
woman.
It
is
remarkable
when
two
men
are
so
similar
that
they
can
prove
to
be
of
equal
pleasure
to
the
same
woman,
and
it
is
a
powerful
friendship
that
can
sustain
the
sharing
such
an
experience
as
the
pleasure
of
a
woman.
Now
the
situation
here
is
less
stark
since
she
lives
three
thousand
miles
away.
There
is
for
instance
no
chance
of
meeting
her
in
the
streets
while
with
our
spouses.
That
seems
to
be
one
of
the
reasons
that
brought
you
to
Los
Angeles,
in
fact.
The
chances
that
she
and
will
physically
meet
are
remote.
So
that
will
make
things
very
simple
overall.
We
must
nonetheless
be
careful,
you
and
I,
and
especially
you,
I’m
afraid.
You’re
the
one
with
the
most
to
lose,
and
you’re
freaking
out.
No,
let
me
talk.
You
are
freaking
out.
But
there
is
no
need
to.
There
is
a
very
simple
set
of
ground
rules
that
we
must
observe.
To
start
with,
we
have
to
be
lucid
and
clear-‐headed.
You
and
are
friends
and
am
most
likely
about
to
engage
in
what
can
only
be
called
an
affair
with
a
mistress
of
yours.
What
matters
between
you
and
is
our
friendship.
Nothing
can
harm
this
unless
we
allow
it,
not
even
a
woman.
Call
me
French,
but
if
a
woman
can
destroy
our
friendship,
then
it
was
not
worth
having.
If
we
agree
on
that,
the
next
part
follows
easily.
If
you
wish
to
talk
about
her,
do
so.
If
you
do
not,
don’t.
Just
afford
me
the
same
freedom
and
you
will
find
that
there
is
no
reason
that
she
be
off-‐
limits
as
a
topic
of
conversation.
But
that
takes
us
to
the
last
rule:
my
affair
is
my
affair,
and
yours
is
yours.
If
your
affair
is
a
burden
to
you
then
understand
that
it