in
the
careful
dance
he
led
hoping
that
she
would
willingly
come
to
calmer
shores
where
pleasure
can
be
confused
with
nothing
else,
and
eventually
she
did.
To
her
initial
insistence
on
a
rougher
type
of
imagery
he
responded
by
turning
the
topic
into
a
literary
discussion
on
the
works
of
the
divine
marquis,
Anne
Desclos
and
Roquelaure.
The
next
day,
she
found
herself
reading
the
first
of
the
Beauty
books
and
that
evening
discussing
it
with
Michel.
She
loved
books
and
again
found
herself
bewitched.
“What
sort
of
person
talks
about
sex
and
books
at
the
same
time?”
While
she
had
vaguely
known
of
the
existence
of
such
books,
she
found
herself
quite
surprised
to
realize
that
they
were
freely
available
at
the
public
library.
He’d
warned
her
that
the
book
proceeded
in
a
crescendo
with
which
he
himself
had
not
been
able
to
fully
engage
as
it
progressed
and
that
she
might
also
wish
to
un-‐suspend
disbelief
before
the
final
chapter,
and
indeed
she
did.
She
finished
the
book
the
next
day
and
soon
had
a
chance
to
call
him.
They
spoke
of
the
book
at
length,
their
first
shared
experience,
and
of
its
many
merits.
He
found
it
exciting
and
arousing
to
hear
a
woman’s
reading
of
the
text.
Michel
tried
to
take
life
in
stride,
mostly,
but
in
the
weeks
before
he’d
struck
a
fast
friendship
with
Alexander,
he
found
himself
pondering
the
possibility
of
exploring
other
avenues
in
life.
He
wasn’t
looking
for
an
affair
per
se,
but
was
clearly
open
to
the
possibility.
His
marriage
had
of
course
never
been
a
stellar
to-‐do,
but
as
their
only
son
was
growing
into
a
young
boy
it
seemed
that
all
physical
contact
between
he
and
his
wife
had
ceased.
While
he
was
willing
to
accept
much
responsibility
for
the
situation,
wrack
his
brains
as
he
might,
he
could
find
no
way
forward
or
out.
Separation,
because
it
would
hurt
the
three
of
them
terribly
was
out
of
the
question.
But
the
corner
that
he
and
his
wife
had
painted
themselves
into
had
the
inertia
and
gravity
of
a
black
hole.
The
relationship
with
his
wife
had
begun
with
several
disastrous
sexual
experiences
which
they
had
separately
vowed
to
overcome
but
in
truth
never
had.
The
fact
that
they
were
no
longer
interested
in
having
sex
with
each
other
was
in
his
mind
undeniable
and
in
good
part
rooted
in
the
also
seemingly
undeniable
fact
that
they
did
not
enjoy
having
sex
with
each
other.
Such
findings
a
decade
and
a
half
into
a
marriage
are
hardly
conducive
to
optimism
and
that
did
lead
him
to
contemplate
the
concept
of