affairs,
but
interestingly
enough
with
the
thought
that
maybe
if
she
had
an
affair,
things
might
improve.
He
loved
his
wife,
but
love
does
not
always
suffice,
and
with
the
thought
of
the
stress
and
unhappiness
of
his
marriage
turning
into
a
permanent
prospect,
he
let
his
mind
wander
into
uncensored
directions
rooted
in
the
dreams
he
had
as
a
teenager
of
what
his
life,
sexual
and
otherwise,
would
be
like
someday.
He
had
truly
expected
to
be
happy
and
that
had
been
his
main
ambition,
to
the
derision
of
many
Parisian
friends
most
of
whom
already
aspired
to
the
traditional
French
dream
of
a
wife,
a
mistress
and
two
dogs.
But
over
time
his
vicarious
sex
life
turned
into
prolonged
celibacy
and
he’d
lost
his
virginity
to
the
woman
he
would
marry.
He’d
had
dreams
of
a
union
endowed
with
a
sustained
sex
life
enriched
by
his
past
experiences
and
experiments,
and
now
he
pined
for
the
times
when
he
thought
he
would
be
happy.
Alexander
had
of
course
no
idea
that
this
was
the
psychological
backdrop
against
which
he
was
to
make
his
offer,
but
Michel
knew
a
sign
when
he
saw
one
and
seized
the
chance.
He
immediately
accepted
and
was
quite
amused
as
over
the
next
few
days
Alexander
would
come
see
him
furtively
at
work
and
half-‐whisper
injunctions
and
rules
such
as
“no-‐one
must
know
of
this”
or
“don’t
believe
everything
she
tells
you”.
The
remark
about
how
she
liked
kinky
stuff
surprised
him
in
that
he’d
not
suspected
that
Alexander
liked
such
things.
Then
again,
why
would
he?
Men
do
not
share
their
sexual
preferences
in
casual
conversation.
But
he
had
to
notice
once
again
that
one
does
not
view
people
quite
in
the
same
way
when
armed
with
such
personal
information.
Alexander’s
apparent
emotional
disarray
prompted
Michel
to
invite
his
friend
to
lunch
for
a
serious
conversation,
just
as
his
liaison
with
Catherine
was
about
to
begin.
Michel
had
already
ascertained
a
number
of
things
and
told
Alexander
as
much,
namely
that
Cathy
had
been
his
mistress,
one
of
several,
that
Alexander
himself
was
the
driving
force
of
these
liaisons,
all
sexual
and
flirting
with
forbidden
pleasures,
innocent
surely
but
not
known
as
commonly
accepted.
“With
her,
opened
Pandora’s
box”
Alexander
had
confided.
“Everyone
thinks
she’s
two
steps
away
from
being
a
nun,
and
she
was
until
she
met
me.
Then
she
turned
into
a
different
person.
But
can’t
take
it
anymore.
My
wife
nearly
found
out,
and
when
swore
to
her
that
was
not
having
an
affair,
meant