business over here, Ka-Ron! >
The knight fought the pain growing in his back, and pulled himself up on his feet, with the help of his sword.
Ka-Ron had forgot, momentarily, about the other Xow.
Bak, the Xow who had wanted to roast Echoheart, held onto his wounded chest cavity, coughing up blood and phlegm. It was obvious to Ka-Ron that the man would not live unless he made it back to a Xow encampment.
"Mercy," Bak pleaded. Snot was dripping from the Xow's nose. Tasting the salty flavor of his own juices, the Xow's tongue started to lick away at the treat. The mere sight of this made Ka-Ron's stomach turn. "Mercy for me, brave knight."
"Why should I even consider it?" Ka-Ron's temper abated as he brought the tip of his sword to rest upon the surviving Xow's pulsing neck.
"Because!" the Xow pleaded.
To the Gods! Ka-Ron wished to kill this man. Who was he to think the world owed him a living? Who were the Xows to think that hard working, hard sacrificing, and hard hurt beings, doing nothing more than trying to earn their keep, owed anything to him? With one thrust of his sword, the knight could take this life. He would gain so much pleasure in the sound of a gurgling death and the spray of Xow blood upon his face. But, he could not abandon his oath: Never attack those who have surrendered unto you.
"Xow, if you have gods, pray to them this night."
The knight pulled his sword away from Bak's neck. The Xow started to laugh a surprised, arrogant laugh.
"I was put off by your attack."
"My hearts ache for you!"
"I demand a meal in compensation for the one you have taken from me this day, by not allowing me to kill your horse."
< To hell with this one! >
Ka-Ron held up a controlling hand. Echoheart calmed himself. The knight sheathed his sword.
"Go and inform your people of the deeds performed here this day." Ka-Ron instructed. "Tell them of your defeat."
"And who shall I say inconvenienced me?"
"Ka-Ron of Teal, Errant-Knight to the Kingdom of Idoshia."
The Xow jumped to his feet. How he was still able to live, the knight could not even begin to understand. However, it had been Ka-Ron's unfortunate experience to learn that social parasites always seemed to survive where nobility and honest endeavor seemed to fail. It was not magic, but, unfortunately, it was the way of the world.
"Ka-Ron," Bak repeated the name in astonishment.
"Be gone!" Ka-Ron barked.
Like a scared child threatened by a legendary bogey, Bak cried in terror as he thumped his way through the thick forest trunks. The trees themselves seemed to separate in contempt, giving the Xow a means and path to head home. A breeze seemed to follow the Xow, taking the reek of his presence with him as it passed.
< That was fun. >
"We are late, my friend." Ka-Ron approached his horse, rising again back into his saddle. "The King will not understand."
Both horse and knight again headed toward the direction of the town.
Ka-Ron & ?
There was a cold wind, which seemed to come from out of nowhere and everywhere. It blew with a fierce aim. It had within its makeup the power of revenge. A revenge that the knight recognized but could not understand. It was a thought of hate. It was an act of forlorn agony.
It scared the hell out of him.
"Kym?" the knight said to himself, hearing the voice.
Ka-Ron turned Echoheart back in the direction from which he had come, back toward Kym's hut. Deep inside him, he had the urge to head back home. He had the desire to see Kym once more. There was a sense of danger - of desperate urgency.
"No," Ka-Ron shook his head, trying to disbelieve what his instincts told him were true. "This is all just in your mind, sir. Celebration is what you need. Distance and time will heal the woman's wounds."
With that, Ka-Ron and Echoheart went about their way.
Kym closed her eyes, fighting back the tears of agony. The bitter taste of the Nuvonean Hemlock was almost too much to take. To the Gods! Her throat felt as if it were on