fire. The room started to spin. Quite suddenly, she discovered that her equilibrium was off, and she could no longer stand.
Ka-Ron & ? She passionately prayed.
If her calculations were correct, it would not be long before her lovely man came into the room and saved her from her sacred act of sacrifice. A sacrifice she would be willing to make again and again, in order to win the love of her brave and noble knight.
"Ka-Ron, I need you," she whispered. Her voice was barely audible.
Waves of pain attacked at her chest. Breathing became almost impossible. Darkness prevailed.
Ka-Ron never came.
Kai was as beautiful as she was powerful. Her charms were those given to a goddess, and just as dangerous. Scattered throughout her past were men who forgot that she was a Wicca Master. Broken hearts and damaged feelings were the legacy of her long years, for a witch could never fall in love - that would be her undoing. This did not mean that she did not enjoy the company of men. Men had their purpose. They served a vital function in the circle of life.
She rubbed the dust from her eyes, glad to be once more in Idoshia. Over the distant horizon, she could just make out the humble skyline of Teal, her home village. Home. The word had almost become alien to her.
There were problems in the Ronin Nation that required her attentions. The king wanted to attack Hispania, while Idoshia, her strongest ally was involved once again with the Xows. Although Kai held no interest in politics, for it was the inertia of fools, this could not be allowed - Hispania was a stabilizing influence in the region. And, it was the only nation, which contained the powerful element known as lamirite. This substance held within its mysteries the power to clean water so it would become drinkable.
The negotiations were hard, and took several months, but things finally went her way. Kai was able to bring peace, fragile as it always was, back to the region. She was also pleasantly surprised to discover that Idoshia was also, once more at peace.
There was an element, moving with the wind that concerned the Wicca Master. It seemed to change, growing darker, as she approached the city. Even her horse, Raven, could feel it. Raven, trained by her master, was an accomplished psychic in her own right.
< Something is & wrong. >
Kai swallowed hard. "I sense it, Raven."
The village of Teal held great joy in Kai's eyes. The world was changing. It was turning towards the magic of machines, drifting farther and farther away from her kind arts. Mankind was no more seeking the magic of the moment. The moment, instead, was being studied by man and then exploited for his own selfish betterment - no matter whom or what was damaged. Soon, Kai feared, her time and usefulness would be at an end.
Teal, however, seemed to be the only pocket of sanity left. Here, farmers prayed to nature, hoping for a better crop. Here, lovers used potions and charms to enhance the possibilities of happiness. Here, a hero could rise from nothingness, and not be burdened by politics or debts. Here, magic still reined.
The city held only one main street. Shops and stables lined the citadel, complimenting each side of the avenue with great care. Children played well in the many acres of grasslands and parks. A Town Barker could be seen on the Council Stump, a remnant of a gigantic rain tree, which had once towered above the city seasons ago. Now, it was used to express the will of kings and priests. This time, however, the Barker was just expressing the gratitude of the King, for his subjects had suffered hard in their last victory.
Kai drank this all in with great joy.
"Some things never change." she mused.
< Change is a constant in the universe. >
"It should not be, in some cases." Kai rebutted. She kicked Raven's sides, ordering the animal to quicken its pace.
Both turned off the path, away from Teal , toward her home.
The feeling loomed again. The fear.