announcement his people captured a wanted domestic terrorist.
Handcuffed sitting in the back of a police car, the reporter screams, “Do you know who I am? Do you know what my network is going to do to you?”
One of the officers laughs, he prints out the reporter’s record. The officer holds it in front of the reporter saying, “Look here asshole; you’re on the list, you’re going to jail, if you’re lucky, you’ll get an all expense trip to Cuba. Now shut the fuck up.”
Across America, some of the elite going about their daily business are stopped by local and state police. Most have no idea why they are stopped; anyone stopped are arrested as domestic terrorists. Their assets are confiscated; they are taken to jail where they’re placed in solitary conferment without any visitors allowed. Their families have no idea what happened to their loved ones.
Chapter 3
“Ron, did you see the news this evening?”
“Huh? What did I miss now? Did the UFOs return and take back the President?”
“Man I wish they would return and take him, maybe we should paint a huge sign pointing to the White House, and then they won’t be able to miss him. Back to the news, the courts today said that schools have the right to stop students from wearing American flag shirts to school. Something about the flag causing violence.”
“Ron, it’s OK if kids wear Mexican flags, but not ours? Kids can’t wear NRA shirts, but Satan shirts are OK? Two kids were sent home for wearing Bible verses on their T-shirts. I don’t know what’s going on with our schools today. I’ve got an idea, why don’t we buy some upside down flag shirts, we can give them out to the kids going to school?”
“Brad, you have a sick sense of humor.”
“Thank you, but that’s not the only news. The AG said today that the state’s Attorney General doesn’t have to defend state laws that are in their opinion discriminatory. Notice I said in their opinion, not the law, just their opinion. Aren’t state Attorney Generals supposed to support the laws their people voted on? If the state’s AGs don’t defend their state’s laws then who represents the state’s people? We the people just lost our say in court, didn’t we go to war over not having representation?”
“Damn. What else can they change?”
“Anything they want to, no one’s left to stop them.”
“Our laws are being written by courts. The Constitution says laws are made by Congress, why doesn’t Congress stop the courts from writing laws. Why doesn’t Congress stop agencies like the EPA from making laws? We’re out of control.”
“I agree with you. I think Congress doesn’t do anything because they’re more concerned about getting re-elected than they are about passing laws.”
Texan President Lawson sends a message to the White House demanding Texas’ gold be returned. Texas has received only 30% of their gold the Federal Government held. The Federal Reserve has been telling President Lawson that they’re checking on the gold; all will be returned within 36 months. After three days of trying President Lawson finally reaches the Secretary of the Treasury, “Mr. Secretary, can you, please give me one reason it’s going to take you three years to return our gold. Surely it’s just sitting in a vault someplace.”
“Mr. President, it’s not that simple, I can’t go into it right now, I assure you, you’ll get your gold back, it’s just going to take a little longer than you want it to.”
“Three years is not a little longer, maybe we should give you an ultimatum, and either return our gold in four weeks or pay the penalty.”
“What are you going to do, charge us a late payment fee?”
“No, I’ll nuke Fort Knox, you have four weeks.”
President Lawson slams down the handset, he tells the Texas Ranger commanding General,” I don’t think we’re going to get our