cases, 35â40
Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act, 213
Superior Court of District of Columbia, 13â14
Supreme Court, U.S., 50â58, 66â67, 79â80. See also specific cases
surveillance, 46, 53â54, 153
Swango, Natalie, 27
Sweizer, Donald, 60
takings of private property, 30â33, 54
Taliban, 158, 179, 180
taxation, 56
Tea Party Nation, 116
terrorism and terrorists
CIA enhanced interrogation techniques, 160â64
due process for, 151â53
FALN pardons, 153â56
lawyers hired by DOJ after pro bono work for, 156â60
Terry, Brian, 3, 122â23, 130, 140
Texas, voter ID law, 92
Thiessen, Marc, 163â64
Thomas, John, 28
Time , 17
Tobin, Charles, 177
Tolleson, Lee Allen, 190
torture, 160â61
transparency, 167, 199, 213â14
Treasury Department, 213â14
Turley, Jonathan, 41â42, 58
Twenty-third Amendment, 43
Uniform Relocation Assistance Act, 32
universities and colleges, 84â88
University of Montana, 85
Univision, 148
UN Security Council, 173
Urbina, Ricardo, 165â66
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, 54
U.S. Attorneys, 61, 138, 149
U.S. Court of Appeals, 30â31
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 104. See also Pigford cases
U.S. Department of Justice. See Justice Department
U.S. State Department. See State Department
U.S. Supreme Court, 50â58, 66â67, 79â80. See also specific cases
U.S. Treasury Department, 213â14
Utah, same-sex marriage, 66
Utility Air Regulatory Group, 39
Valentin, Carmen, 154
Vanderboegh, Mike, 116
Vaughn, Karen, 178
Vitter, David, 35
Volokh, Eugene, 16
von Spakovsky, Hans, 95â96, 116, 125â26
voter ID laws, 89, 90â92, 95, 98
voter registration, 89â90, 92â93
Voth, Dave, 137
voting rights, 42â46, 73, 89â94
Voting Rights Act (1965), 62â63, 90, 92, 93
Wall Street Journal , 17, 80, 118, 206
Walsh, Joe, 144
Walton, Reggie, 119
warrantless searches and surveillance, 46, 49, 153, 195
Washington, D.C., voting rights, 42â46
Washington Post , 77â78, 121, 138â40, 167, 171
Watergate scandal, 146, 147, 167, 201
Weich, Ronald, 142, 144, 145
Wertz, Becky, 76â77
West, Tony, 109, 157â58
Whelan, Ed, 44, 45, 63, 66â67
whistleblowers, 141â42
Wichita abortion clinic case, 80â81
Wide Receiver ATF Operation, 131
WikiLeaks, 133
Wilkinson, Monty, 122â23
Williams, Seth, 64
Windsor, U.S. v. , 66â67
women, USDA discrimination case, 108â9
Worcester v. Georgia , 216
World News Tonight , 172
Yemen bombing plot leak, 169â70
Yoo, John, 203â6
York, Byron, 69
Youngstown Sheet & Tube case, 6â7
Zero Dark Thirty , 179
JOHN FUND is a nationally recognized columnist and author whose work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal , National Review , Esquire , and the New Republic . He has written several books that touch on Justice Department issues, including Stealing Elections and Cleaning House . He has also collaborated with bestselling authors such as Rush Limbaugh on their books.
HANS VON SPAKOVSKY , now a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, is a former presidential appointee to the Federal Election Commission, serving there from 2006 to 2007. He is also a former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Justice Department. He is the coauthor (with John Fund) of Whoâs Counting: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk .
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Whoâs Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk
Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens
Our Democracy
OBAMAâS ENFORCER. Copyright © 2014 by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American