wondering what might happen if I take several seconds … or, perhaps even longer. What if I can do it in two separate actions, you know?”
“No, I’m not seeing where this is … wait! If you separate the actions, what will you be when you’re in between? If you’re not human and not a cat, what will you be? Energy ?”
Missy nodded and said, “Exactly! In either form I always weigh about the same so I end up at the same amount of mass. But, in between? While that shimmer of light and burst of energy are happening? What if I’m simply in spirit form? I’ll have all my energy but without any of my mass? Do you think that might be possible?”
“Hey, Einstein’s theory says energy equals mass times the speed of light squared which is why you get such a huge amount of energy being released when converting mass to energy. I sort of figured maybe your light and energy stuff was because maybe you converted a tiny amount of your mass during your Shift. It wouldn’t need to be much mass being converted to energy …”
“Well, that’s why I’m a bit nervous, Tracy. If I try to separate the two actions, maybe I’ll just explode like a bomb and wipe out half the state of New York.”
“Wow! But, since you watched Carlos take longer, you’re thinking you might maybe try to do it slower? Maybe feel your way into this, without blowing up the rest of the world?”
“Sure! Maybe my spirit form can keep it all together, you know? My energy? So there’s no big bang?”
“Obviously someone needs to watch this … in case you need that someone to talk you through it. What has Mike said?” Tracy knew Missy shared all her thoughts and feelings with Mike with an almost continuous and constant flow, getting his feedback. They were now addicted to one another and when separated by more than about five hundred miles, the distance their bond could manage, they suffered.
“He’s really concerned and not very happy about the possible risks. But, if I’m going to experiment, he agrees there’s probably less risk if he’s not with me. Who knows how our bond might affect things? It’s better if I do this without him right here. Later, once I’ve learned what I can do?”
Tracy nodded and sighed. “I get it. I do! Okay? Go ahead. I’ll watch.” She knew Missy would do anything for her, if their situations were reversed. And, she simply couldn’t imagine things not working out okay. If Missy thought she could go slow and avoid self-destructing, taking her out in the process? She trusted her.
Missy realized what a total commitment Tracy was making, willingly risking her own life. There weren’t any words she could say. They were safe inside their room from being interrupted by anyone, due to the lateness of the hour. She pushed a towel along the bottom of her door so no light would be visible. Then, she took her clothes off, removed her earrings and crouched down on all fours in the middle of their room. Tracy was seated on her bunk, watching.
Whenever Missy Shifted, that had always required her going to a special place in her mind and then exercising her will. She had many compartments in her mind and had learned to use them. She also had tremendous willpower which she’d learned to channel and control. This time, she focused on doing her Change in two distinct steps rather than all at once in one step.
She Shifted. As always, there was the shimmer of light and burst of energy. But, this time … just after her human form disappeared and before her cat form became apparent … there was a pause. It was very short but somehow, the complete act seemed to take several seconds rather than being instantaneous and the pause in between was noticeable. Missy wasn’t sure exactly what she felt during that but she’d really worked at making the process be in two distinct steps. When she was done, she stared at Tracy.