Melissa, startled by the question, looks up at her supposed angel
and realizes her angel is actually a nurse. Her heaven is a hospital
room. Melissa becomes agitated and nervous. She shakes her head
frantically, trying to clear her vision.
“Yeah! I’m okay, okay enough to get up and get the fuck
outta here!” As she speaks, Melissa shuffles the sheets layer by
layer, looking frantically for her clothing and possible escape
“Ma’am, we cannot permit you to leave just yet. We have to
wait for the test results.”
“The hell you can’t! What tests?! I didn’t ask you to take no
damn tests!”
Melissa quickly finds herself involved in a wrestling match with
the stout nurse. Hearing Melissa’s food tray smashing to the floor,
two doctors and another nurse passing in the hallway rush in to
help their colleague.
“Please calm down, Miss. We are only trying to help you!” one
doctor exclaims.
“Grab her arms!” another nurse screams.
Melissa is confused and strangely disoriented. Her voice
becomes deep with a masculine tone, her jugular veins pulsate as
if they are about to burst.
“Release me, you meat! Release me or you...will...die! I will dis-
embowel each of you and devour your souls. The pleasure will
equal total ecstasy as I bathe myself in your blood. It is from her
womb your king shall rise.”
Melissa’s eyes roll deep into their sockets, disappearing into her
head. A bitter chill overwhelms the room. The doctors and nurses,
dumbfounded by the change in Melissa’s voice, look at each other
with a puzzled stare and immediately release her. Melissa staggers
into the corner before crouching to the floor.
The room instantly transforms into a frozen paradise; the walls,
the floors, the ceiling, are all covered with ice. It looks as if a win-
ter blizzard has come and gone within seconds. Icicles form in the
blink of an eye all around the room.
“Dr. Franklin! What’s going on?” Nurse Charles’ voice shivers
from the freezing temperatures and disbelief.
“I-I-I d-d-d-don’t know! I’ve n-n-never seen anything like this in
my life. Where are the doors? The windows? Where are we?” The
doctor speaks with borderline hysteria as he tries to think rationally, searching his mind for some logical explanation. The others
begin to wander around the room in a daze, their eyes glazed over.
They clutch their hospital clothing, trying to remain warm as a
brisk winter chill sweeps the room.
Dr. Franklin approaches one of the frozen cabinets to inves-
tigate. Slowly, he reaches out to touch the ice, What is this? This
is impossible! We’ve only been in here a few minutes, how could
everything freeze? It’s the middle of May! Cautiously, he brushes
the ice-like substance with his finger. It isn’t even cold, it’s warm!
The doctor lifts his finger to his nose and takes a deep breath, des-
perately trying to fathom an explanation.
“My God, it burns!” His screams rend the air, breaking every-
one’s mindless daze. A pain rips through his head, tearing his
brain and soul into pieces. Bursts of blood exit his eyes and nose,
showering the icy white cabinet. The doctor staggers backwards.
He stumbles over his own feet and falls, slamming his head on
the icy floor. His bloody eyes peer forward without so much as a
blink. The other doctor and the two nurses fall to his side to tend
to him.
“Dr. Franklin! This is Dr. Webster. Can you hear me?! Are you
okay?!” he screams as he frantically attempts to revive his col-
Nurse Tracy panics. “Oh my God, look at his face! It’s bleed-
ing, it’s bleeding! Why is it bleeding? Aren’t we still in the hospi-
tal? Why isn’t anyone coming to help us?!” She runs deliriously
to the icy wall and bangs with all the strength she can muster.
“Let me out of here! Let me out of here, please God let me out!”
Exhausted, she collapses to the ground with deep wounds on her
hands from the jagged ice. Blood fills