her palms as she clutches
them into tight fists.
A terrible voice suddenly breaks the silence. Out from thin air
it roars. Its powerful tone forces its words to be heard and understood.
“If you are awaiting help, it will not come. Who could save
you from me? God Himself cannot save you. You need me. I am
nourishment for your soul. I have made you what you are!”
“Who are you? What are you? What do you want from us?”
Nurse Tracey whimpers in a voice stripped by the freezing temperatures. She looks up with terror in her eyes and awaits a response.
Then suddenly,
“I am the dragon whose angels shall descend upon your flesh
like locust. Lord of the black mass, I am vengeance and indulgence. I am undefiled wisdom, author of the black book! You
mean nothing to me, animal, do not speak to me, ever, die!” The
voice is quiet. The only sound is the brisk winter breeze whistling
through the small room.
They all peer at the frozen ceiling in amazement, trying to get
a glimpse of the being with such an evil voice and arrogant temperament.
“Get away from us!” Nurse Tracey stares at Melissa, who is
unconscious in the far corner of the room. “Get out of here!”
With a timid stride, Tracey walks toward Melissa with her bloody
fists clutched by her side. Before she is within a few feet, Melissa
looks up suddenly. Her eyes are without features, no pupils, no
lids; they are completely white. All the vessels on her face pulsate
like maggots swarming over rotting meat. Her chapped lips slowly
spread apart as a swarm of flies burst from her throat. Tracey
stops and begins swinging her bloody fists at the menacing insects.
She is hurled to the other side of the room by an unseen force.
“Leave her alone!” screams Nurse Charles.
“Please leave us, we’ve done nothing to you,” the young doctor
Nurse Charles rushes over to help the young horrified woman.
In an attempt to calm Nurse Tracey, as well as herself, she wraps
her frostbitten arms around her and begins to pray.
“Tracey, calm down...baby, please calm down.” In a quiet angelic
voice, Nurse Charles recites her favorite Psalm,
“Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I
sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come
to the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out from
calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my
“My God I don’t know what’s happening to us. All I ask is
that You return us to Your embrace and out of the grasp of this
evil place. My God, I know You can hear my call, You can hear
anything, please help us. Amen.” She peacefully closes her eyes,
as tears race down her cheeks, for she feels her existence coming to an end. The swarm of flies quickly begins to fall from the
air as if sprayed by poison. Her small crucifix earrings dislodge
themselves from her ears and fall onto the icy floor. Small drops
of blood aggregate around the head, foot, and each arm of the
crucifix. The drops race as though searching for tiny cracks in the
icy floor in which to embed themselves. Nurse Charles looks over
her shoulder, noticing one of the small red droplets whisk toward
a tiny fissure and disappear. She also notices her earrings as they
begin to melt easily into the seemingly impassable ice. Confused
and dazed, she stares at the melted outline of her earrings.
The evil wind disappears as suddenly as it appeared. Nurse
Charles feels a sense of numbness overtaking her body as she
looks up. A black liquid begins to form behind the ice, causing a
deep tar-like substance to slowly ooze out of the spaces where the
droplets have fallen. Dr. Webster is oblivious to the event, as he
is still trying to revive his colleague. Nurse Tracey’s eyes are shut
tight as she holds steadfast around Nurse Charles’ waist.
Quietly, Melissa lifts from the corner. Not by her own will she
stands, seemingly unconscious. Her feet hover slightly above the
frozen floor.