making is-ness your business as a manipulation to make a situationimprove or get better. You've got to genuinely give it a go. Only then will the magic happen. Understanding this universal truth is essential to the Make Every Man Want You approach because this is your access point to full personal blossoming.
Irresistible Insight Questions
Have you noticed that when you resist your is-ness, the result is always frustration? Can you see that arguing with what is only produces pain and misery, especially in you?
How would your life shift if you made is-ness your business all the time? Do you think you'd be more or less loving? More or less effective? More or less irresistible?
What is your relationship like right now? Not what it should be if the two of you could stop arguing or could be if he had more money but what it actually is at this moment. Can you stop holding back and start loving? What kind of impact would compassion have on your relationship?
Are you willing to give up frustration and anger in lieu of a new possibility? How good will you allow your life to be?
Where Our Ideas Come From
As a kid, I loved music. One song that brings back fond memories was by an artist named Falco. He had a very catchy tune that I used to sing and dance to. At nine years old, I especially liked the fact that he had a thick foreign accent and sang about hot potatoes (an odd choice I thought, but hey—it was the '80s, and he was Austrian). It went something like this:
Irresistible Action Challenge
For the next twenty-four hours, make is-ness your total business. No matter what happens—your printer breaks, your date cancels, or the plane is delayed for two hours—pretend that you wanted it to happen. You can even say, "And this is what I want!" after any circumstance that your mind wants to resist. For example:
You're on hold for forty-five minutes with your cell phone provider. Say to yourself, "Huh . . . I've been on hold for forty-five minutes . . . and this is what I want!" Then, when you lose your signal and get disconnected just as you're about to speak with a customer service rep, say, "Huh . . . just got disconnected . . . and this is what I want." While it may feel slightly kooky, this exercise not only will give you a laugh but will also help you become aware of all the ways you resist your is-ness and unwittingly create misery, frustration, and upset in your life.
"Hot potatoes, hot potatoes, hot po-ta-toes, hot potatoes, hot potatoes—oh oh oh, hot potatoes . . ." The song had a really funky electronic sound, and in the summer of 1985, when I was nine years old, I thought it was cool. Fast-forward nine years. I was watching a "Top Hits of the '80s" music video special on MTV when they announced Falco was up next. "Cool," I thought. "I'll finally get to see why this guy sings about hot potatoes."
Well, to my surprise and embarrassment, the song had nothing at all to do with hot potatoes. The song was called "Rock Me Amadeus." At nine years old, I had never heard of Amadeus—it wasn't in my vocabulary yet. My young mind filled in with something that sounded familiar (hot potatoes), and until I learned otherwise, I believed Falco's hit was about steaming spuds.
The point of this story is to illustrate that everything we know is simply a collection of thoughts and information we have absorbed over our lifetime. Most of us never investigate whether those thoughts and that information are actually accurate. When it comes to men and relationships, most of us have absorbed ideas that not only are inaccurate but also undermine our ability to enjoy a healthy and satisfying love life.
Let's face it: your parents probably didn't take a How to Have Wonderful Relationships course in school. How about your grandparents? Did they have Loving and Lasting Relationships101? Doubt it. They learned from their parents, who learned from their parents, and so on and so forth, all the way back in