kitchen servants, unloading the Kragen Clan vessel. The ship was long and sleek, set low in the water with a single mast and one large square sail, its double bank of oars pulled in and pointed to the sky, allowing the ship to dock closer to the pier. Dock hands and kitchen servants scurried along the pier, loading food stores and spices from the Fire Islands into small horse carts to haul back to the pantries.
Reece nodded a hello to Von and Dell called out. “Hey, why don’t you come help us?”
“I have to help Flenn,” Von answered. “The Hywel brought coal and iron to stock the smithies.”
Flenn looked up at the mention of his name. He was tall, almost as tall as Von. His red hair twisted back in braids in the style of the north and he wore a black cloak that made his grey eyes seem darker than they were. He was only a handful of winters older than Von, but was already a councilor to the Lord of Azmark, the youngest ever. It was whispered the appointment came only because Flenn was Kaiden’s best friend, and that Baiden wished to train Flenn as a voice of reason for the day Kaiden took his father’s place. Von didn’t believe those theories. He knew Flenn had earned the appointment on merit.
The Hywel trader and Flenn came to an agreement and Flenn waved Von over. Von backed the wagon slowly onto the dock stopping near the large stationary crane. Dock hands worked the crane, cranking the gears rapidly. The timber boom moved slow and steady over the ship’s cargo hold. Hywel sailors looped the chain around the crates, securing the load with a massive hook. The crane easily hoisted the heavy crates up from the Hywel ship, the timber boom creaked with age and the weight of the load as it swung back over the dock. The dock hands turned another wheel driven gear and the boom swung slowly toward the wagon. Flenn used hand signals, guiding the dock hands’ movements and the wares lowered gently into the back of the wagon.
Von felt the weight of the large crates as they set down in the flat wooden bed. A dock hand scrambled onto the bed to unlatched the hook and chain from the ropes that bound the crates. The wagon struts flexed under the new weight, easily holding up to the strain they were designed for. The dock hand gave a signal and Von urged the twin draft horses forward, the axles squeaking all the way up the dock.
“Sounds like you need more grease,” Flenn observed.
“Yeah, I’ll be sure to take care of that,” Von agreed.
“Here,” Flenn offered, handing Von a ledger. “This will tell you who gets what.”
Von glanced at the ledger. There were four names, all with specific amounts of iron and coal. Von spotted one name and his heart sunk. Berkler. He hoped the man would not be in his shop when Von made delivery. Anytime spent around that man was too much.
“This first load is for Sem,” Flenn explained. “The other three loads will be waiting on the dock here when you get back.”
Von nodded, still worried he might have to see Berkler. He pulled away from the dock and headed up the cobble stone road.
“Oh, one more thing,” Flenn called. He trotted up to the side of the wagon.
Von stopped, hoping this didn’t have anything to do with Berkler.
Flenn’s smile put Von at ease. “Kaiden and I are going hunting in a few days. You know that icebear that has been bothering the herds?”
Von nodded.
“We’re going after it. As soon as Harvest Celebration is over. Do you want to come?”
“Do I?” Von could hardly contain his excitement. He’d been with Kaiden to hunt rabbits and fox, but never an icebear. Baiden hadn’t even let him go on the elk hunts. This would be his first real hunt. “Do you think Baiden will let me go?”
“I’ll put a good word in for you,” Flenn offered. “Kaiden really wants you along. I’m sure he’ll be able to convince his father even if I can’t. Kaiden seems to