armoury and are making and collecting the weapons we might need. Raymond has been making things in the forge for at least six months and Richard has been designing and making light bows for the women who have no shooting skills." I tell her quickly.
"How long has this been going on and why did your father not tell me?" My mother asks.
"Dad would not have told you because he was sworn to secrecy. We all were Mum, so don’t blame him please. We knew there was a chance that this sort of thing could happen, but did not want to scare people so have kept some of the things the boys have done quiet." I explain to Mum, putting all the sincerity I can in my voice.
"How bad do you expect things to get?" Helen asks quietly, worry catches her voice and her face is drawn and scared.
"It could get very bad honey, we just don’t know and until it happens we won’t know." I tell her. I don ’t have any real facts, but, w ill no longer hide what I know or suspect may happen from either of them and I don’t want to. My brain whirls with activity and worry as these thoughts cross and recross it.
"I’m going to head over and see the boys shortly. I want to know where we are at in the scheme of things and organise for some shooting lessons for those of us who feel capable of learning to use the weapons. I am not sure how many will want to learn, but , for those who do I will find out when the lessons will start ." I finish and stand ready to leave.
"I don’t like the idea of learning to shoot anything and the thought of killing a human being scares me, but I figure that as I am still healthy I had better learn." Mum says, a frightened expression on her face.
"I don’t like the idea either Mum, but it may come to the point that iff we need to defend ourselves and the children I’d rather fight than give in to them. They sure are not getting my kids either." I say loudly and am shushed by Helen and Mum and we all turn to the door and listen in case others have heard us.
Leaning down I kiss Mum on the forehead and hug her tightly , I turn to Helen and do the same. Placing my cup in the sink I head out of the back door and head across the yard to wards the forge Raymond has set up and the even larger building behind which houses the weapons that have been brought into the settlement , scrounged and made during the last six months.
Chapter 4
I walk to the open front of the forge and Raymond is there , his bare arms flexing and the muscles bulging as he stands at the anvil and beats out yet another crossbow from the springs of an old abandoned car. There are many old cars still around the settlement, no longer able to be used for transport they are slowly being recycled into more useful things. The crossbows are cut from the spring, and then shaped with a grinder run from the generator that is being used sparingly to conserve what little fuel we have left. The metal is beaten into the curve of the bow and then fitted out with sights, pulleys and the cord then placed in the armoury