“No Chance. I’m going to squash that thought right there. There will be no playing naked Twister with my assistant.”
“Really Molly, do you thin k that low of me?” Chance whined, letting a stupid smile stretch across his face.
“Don’t do it , Chance. I’m warning you,” I threatened, tightly gripping the box to my chest.
“Oh Molly, challenge accepted.” H e snorted, raising one eyebrow in a thought-provoking way.
“I will cut your dick off and have it mounted if you as much as touch that girl.”
“Well, I guess you wouldn’t need to make a copy of my dick then.” Chance chuckled, reaching over and patting me on the shoulder.
Rolling my eyes, I pushed around the baboon and yanked open the dressing room door. There was no way I was letting good ol’ Megan get wrapped up in PD hell. These men were nothing but trouble. Sure, they might not be as bad as Black Laden was, but still horny men nonetheless.
“Oh Megan!” Chance called out in the open room.
“Out!” I screamed, pointing back out the door.
“Good lord, Molly. Who lit your tampon string on fire?”
Using my free hand, I sh oved Chance back out of the room and pushed the door closed.
“Am I missing something?” Megan’s head poked around a large black curtai n panel with a questioning glance.
“Nope, just Chance thinking with his penis again.” Shaking my head, I placed the box down on a chair and rubbed my eyes.
“Is there any other way for that man to think?” Megan snickered.
Shrugging my shoulders, I simply smiled and got down to work. Maybe I should have gone to college. I could have been a preschool teacher; same concept as now, just smaller bodies who actually used their brains and not their lower appendages.
Chapter 4
No, this is not a “dick in a box”. Okay, well, technically it is.
I really needed to stash this box away on the bus. I was bound to forget it somewhere or drop the bastard, letting the contents spill out for everyone’s viewing pleasure. The last thing I needed was everyone on this tour to know what sick and twisted gift Danielle had graced me with. Come to think of it, I bet this isn’t the first time one of these would have been found backstage. The women that frequented the boys after their concerts probably had one of those bad boys tucked into their purses, considering I doubted they thought round two would ever happen. These guys were a hump em’ and dump them crew, with the exception of Brantley. He apparently decided to put a ring on one of his groupies, and then fuck around with the other half of the population while on the road. Grimacing for the nasty mental thought, I mentally scolded myself for being mean. I knew nothing about their relationship, other than the fact that he decided to play me like a two sided fiddle and I obviously didn’t see past the bullshit covered lies he threw at me. That stupid fucker, making me feel all special and……………………
“Molly?” Megan’s voice broke my train of thoughts.
“S orry, I got lost in my own head.” I laughed, turning my attention to Megan walking over with the boys from Pleasure Revenge.
“No worries. I was just going to show these guys to their room. This is Jaxon, Zain, and Michael.”
“Hi, I’m Molly,” I greeted, shifting the cock in box carefully under my arm and extending my hand outward to them.
“Thanks for having us on the tour. We are really excited to be going out with you all,” Zain exclaimed, flashing his pearly whites at us.
“Well, I’m glad you all could join us. It should be a great tour.” I smiled, shifting the box awkwardly to my other side. With all my southern grace and charm one would think I could keep hold of the damn box. But no. Right as I was about to turn and say something to Megan, the stupid thing went crashing to the floor, spilling the contents on the cement. Megan let out a little gasp while my eyes grew about five times the size of