think we would just hand off our only daughter to someone we just met?”
“No... But, you know his father …he said he asked you.” I replied, starting to feel a little foolish at my rash accusations toward my parents. I completely distrusted them, while believing someone I just met.
“Yes, we do know his father. Clayton is a business associate of ours. We are collaborating on a project with him for his studio’s new movie. As far as being personal friends with the guy, that’s a bit premature at this juncture. Regardless of whom I know, neither your mother nor I would ever force you to see anyone. That is your choice.”
“Why would Michael lie to me?”
“Because he’s a rich, spoiled, young man that probably gets everything he wants, including girls.”
“Daddy! I can’t believe you said that!”
“Do you have a different opinion of him, Nicolette?”
“No, Daddy. I met him because you two were the ones that told me to ‘mingle’ and ‘get to know the other kids’ at the party. Right?”
“Yes, we did. However, he is in college and you are still in high school. You can be friends, of course. You are young and impressionable and no college guy has any business with my high school daughter.”
“Only by two years, Daddy, and I happen to agree with you.”
My mother jumped in the conversation, “Well, it may not be too old for you, but for us, as your parents, it’s too old. You’re still in high school and should enjoy your last year with kids more your own age. Speaking of which, did you meet anyone else at the party, not so old and more appealing?” She looked at me suspiciously.
I felt my face getting increasingly hot. My mother knew me better than I gave her credit for.
“Well, now that you ask, while I was walking on the beach down from the St. Clair’s home, I met someone.”
My father raised his eyebrows as he listened to me tell them more.
“His name is Simon Paulson, and I enjoyed his company.”
“How much did you enjoy with Simon?” Dad asked.
“Enough to want to see him again, and I’m hoping I will.”
“How old is this boy, Nicolette?”
“I guess around my age, the subject didn’t come up.”
“Two suitors in one day, I guess today wasn’t as unpleasant for you as you thought it would be.”
“You’re right, Daddy. I had a great day! I guess it didn’t suck after all.”
“That’s good to hear. We want you to like it here. This is our home now.”
Rolling my eyes, I understood exactly what my father was saying; loud and clear.
The rest of July flew by. I was invited to many social events by Alexis and Bailey, we had become close friends. The girls had a cabana, the size of a small apartment, at the hot spot “The Beach Club”. Many parties were held while their parents were elsewhere. One party I managed to be talked into by Bailey was fun, I met some cool people. Jameson, who is known around school as the house party coordinator, a title he shares with Bailey. I also got to know Sam, Simon’s best friend.
I would have liked seeing Simon again, but he never showed up. I wasn’t going to pretend that I wasn’t disappointed, but I enjoyed myself with my new friends. Sam had told me that parties weren’t Simon’s thing. I wondered if Simon would be interested in knowing that it wasn’t mine either.
It was the last weekend in July already, and I couldn’t believe school would be starting soon. The Beach Club was hosting a volleyball tournament and I was going with Alexis and Bailey. Mom and Dad were out of town, so I was staying with the girls. We were up all night talking. I wanted to just stay in bed the next morning, but with the sounds of Lady Gaga blasting through the stereo, fat chance. Alexis was jumping on my bed and begging me to get up, I was so not a morning person. Bailey dragged my tired ass out of bed and shoved coffee into my hand.
“Come on, Nicolette! Time is wasting and we have some hot guys to meet.” Bailey practically