motions for the rest of the guys, including Buck to leave the room. I don’t move a muscle and when Grimm looks up to see me still standing there he doesn’t tell me to leave either. I hear the barn door close after the last person leaves.
“Jace…” Grimm lets out a deep breath as he looks down at his own hands, wiping away the blood on his split knuckles over the denim jeans he wears. Grimm never calls Jace by his name and this surprises me.
“You don’t realize what you have done…” he takes a deep breath shaking his head.
“ You think about putting your hands on any one of my woman again and I promise you boy… I’ll get Hunter to put you down.” Raven and I both shudder at the promise that Grimm’s voice holds.
I don’t think Grimm realizes that I would never be able to fulfil that order if it ever did come to that. I would do anything for Grimm, I’ll be loyal to him until my time on this earth is up but that is one thing he can’t ask of me. Raven’s death will never be at my hands.
Fury surges through me, I’ m angry with Grimm for even thinking I would kill my brother and I’m furious with Raven for putting me in this predicament. I watch as Grimm ruffles Raven’s thick black mess of hair before standing up, Grimm shakes his head, the disappointment in his face can be seen so clearly.
He walks up to me, I’m a taller tha n Grimm and although he is made of muscle, I’m a lot bigger than him.
He looks up to me as he speaks. “You know what I expect of you Hunter. Don’t be a pussy and disappoint me. I know he’s your brother but this is the only way we can help him. We’ve tried the talking thing…it doesn’t work and I won’t let him hurt any of our woman in the future. Think about Willow Hunter.”
With that being said he leaves, I think about Willow, I think about how small and fragile she is and then my mind moves onto the terrible things that I went through at the hands of people who never got punished for their actions.
A red haze takes over my mind, and I turn to Raven.
He cries out when I pick him up by the front of his shirt.
“Why did you do this? Brother, do you see what you’re forcing me to do!” I scream at him. He closes his eyes and cringes, holding his hands over his ribs.
I pull him up closer to me, knowing that Grimm is probably watching right now, testing me to see if I’ll follow orders; watching me to see if he can still trust me .
I don’t bother turning around to check.
“Look what you ’re making me do!” I say softly.
He’s weak so I keep holding him up. He lifts his head up then whispers in a strangled tone, “I know what I deserve…just finish it…please.” He wheezes. I can hear the defeat in his voice. He knows what he did wrong and I don’t think it’s even necessary for me to have a go at him right now but it has to be done.
I push him away and before he gets a chance to fall I punch him right in the jaw, not my hardest either, just enough to knock him out so he isn’t awake for the rest of his beating. I kick him a few more times rather exaggeratedly until Grimm pulls me back to stop.
He looks down at Rav en’s passed out bloody body then looks up at me and nods. He walks straight out and seconds later I hear the sound of their bikes as they ride away.
I look down at Raven then run the palms of my hands up my face . I bend down and pick him up throwing his battered body over my shoulder.
He’s out cold.
I pay off a local doctor to check him out, I don’t want it getting back to Grimm and luckily enough people around this area are more afraid of getting on my bad side then Grimm’s. They know Grimm doesn’t get his hands dirty…but me on the other hand?
I live for it.
The doctor cleans Raven up and confirms my suspicions about his broken nose and a couple bruised ribs. I won’t be able to get Raven into a hospital without Grimm knowing, so Raven will have to do that on his own once he’s awake if needs be. The