farfetched. What other world might the Elvin kind be privy to?” she chuckled, wiping her mouth with her hand. Her amusement was plain, and made her look less foreboding, and more astoundingly beautiful. It also made her look much younger.
“How can it be that your father has not taught you of such things? The Elvin have many arcane powers, and are free to move about, from one magical world to another. They use great magic, and something called a gate, to affect such wonders!”
“And you’ve seen such a thing?” Shocara asked, her voice cutting.
“No, but such things are plainly known among the Elvin. They make no effort to hide such powers, and thus our spies hear tell of them,” Ehgora sighed, uncomfortable lecturing one such as Shocara, who might take offense and simply hack him to death. “Please forgive me, Princess, I mean in no way to belittle your knowledge. While I have not with my own eyes seen this Elvin magic, I have witnessed yours, and it is most impressive!” he hastily declared, hoping to sooth her feelings; Shocara was known to be touchy and temperamental. One causing her offense likely felt her blade in short order.
“Assuming such might be true, where is this gate that you speak of? Can you answer that?” she demanded, her fingers , still greasy from the meat, lightly caressing the hilt of her sword.
“I am told it is in the great building to the north of the great Citadel, what the Elvin call the Clan home. It is well and constantly guarded...” the man sighed.
“How interesting. Perhaps we might use it to find strong warriors to aid our people, against the accursed Elvin!” she spoke, idly considering this. That the Elvin were great fighters, who had time after time beat back the Eridians, was as foul as a well rotted dead thing to her sense of rightness. She longed to be victorious as none before had done. So far her efforts were mixed, some small battles won, but others had ended with painful loss of men and arms. Her successes owed more to her sorcery than to their arms, a thing that annoyed many.
“What else have you heard?” she asked, before taking another bite of the juicy meat.
“I have spoken to Atorin, our friend among the shapeshifters...he tells me that they have placed two of their people among the Princesses’ own home. They have mastered the art of acting Elvin, so perfectively that even in the throes of passion, they remain undetectable! I am sure we will learn much from them!”
“Unless the changed ones are fools, and known fully to the Elvin. If such is true, they will learn only what the Elvin wish them to believe!”
“Dear Princess, don’t accord the Elvin with more power than they have!” Ehgora suggested, chuckling. He soon had the point of Shocara’s blade touching his throat.
“Don’t treat me as a fool...I have faced the Elvin, and had myself nearly killed by them! They are mighty foes, and wickedly skilled in arts we don’t possess! Only a madman would belittle their abilities!” she snarled.
“Forgive me, princess...I must beg you to excuse my poor words; I have never faced them on the field of battle. Yet in their place, they seem much less rabid and vicious than I would expect for such warriors!” he replied, sweating, as her blade moved slightly still a mere inch from his naked neck.
“Perhaps it is because they have no need to guard their back each second of the day or night!” she insisted, disgustedly. She let her sword fall gently from her fingers, to rest beside her. “Have you been in any of their cities?” she asked, curious.
“Only once, disguised as a trader. I was...it is...” he fell silent, reluctant to admit how impressed he had been.
Shocara sat, staring into space. “I saw the place they call Usharian from afar...it was quite stunning. I would wish that our people might possess such a magnificent thing...”
“Perhaps when you are victorious over them...” Ehgora suggested, wishing to curry favor.