he’d mess right back.
“Hold on now.” It was Mark. “You are jumpy. Jesus! Don’t hit me!”
“Well, what do you expect when someone grabs you like that? It could have been a cattle thief.”
“A cattle thief wouldn’t do this.” Marks hands went between his legs. “And he sure as hell wouldn’t do this.” Mark fell to his knees, unbuckling Jay’s belt.
He grew rock hard in an instant. Mark had an unsettling effect on him.
“You have such a hot cock. I wanted you to fuck me when we were together, but we didn’t have the time. Last night, all I could imagine was you sliding that fucker deep inside my tight asshole.”
The thought intrigued him. He hadn’t got to that point with Rhett, but the idea had crossed their minds and they’d talked about it.
He pushed his cock into Mark’s mouth and closed his eyes. This was bad, this was terrible. They shouldn’t be doing this at the ranch where there were too many ears and eyes lurking. After five minutes of continuous sucking action, he was just about ready to blow.
Mark stood, removing his trousers, revealing his perfect, creamy white globes. He turned and bent over. “Stick it in me, Jay. I want to feel you in there.”
Jay lubed his cock with spat, and taking aim slid between Mark’s cheeks, pressing against his desired target.
Mark burst forth with a loud moan.
Jay shot one hand over Mark’s mouth to stifle him. “Be quiet,” he said. He felt tightness envelop him, bringing him almost to his knees with a newfound, wondrous pleasure.
In a few thrusts, he’d come. At any time someone might walk in on them and that just fuelled him, causing his balls to ache with immense pleasure.
He fucked Mark deep and hard, pulling out then driving his cock back inside him to the root. If the guy wanted it, then he was damned well going to get the best fucking of his life.
With his right hand, he reached around and grabbed Mark’s throbbing cock, and with five strokes, Mark exploded all over his hand. This in turn triggered Jay’s own orgasm. He pulled out and jerked his cock all over Mark’s ass, hot cum plastering it.
“I knew you’d fuck like a champ,” said Mark, pulling up his trousers.
“Man, don’t ever surprise me like that again.”
“You liked it, admit it. You like my hot ass milking your hot dick.”
“Okay. Maybe just a little. Let’s get to the bunkhouse. After this, we both need a hell of a lot of sleep.”
Chapter Four
“The orders were to get everything you need at The Mercantile and the lumber mill. The school board has accounts at both. Do a good job. My ass is on the line, along with my reputation since I’m the one loaning you out,” explained Cal.
When Jay arrived at the teacher’s house, Will greeted him at the gate. “I have coffee inside if you would like a cup?”
“I’m good,” he replied. “I had a big breakfast back at the ranch. I see you’ve been working in the yard. It’s looking pretty good.”
“I have a green thumb and I enjoy gardening. I didn’t get much of a chance to indulge in the city.”
“That must have been something…living in the city.”
“It was nice, I enjoyed it. Shops, theatres—the city has it all. But it’s also very busy. It isn’t for everyone.”
“Interesting. I’ve never been far. I grew up in a small area. Not knowing the city, I think I would still prefer the country.”
Will shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t say that I disagree. I needed a change. That’s why I’m here.”
“Right. Well, I best get up and see to the roof.”
The roof was much more damaged then he had originally thought. He picked away at the rotted wood and calculated the repairs that would be needed. This job was going to take much longer than he had anticipated. The one upside would be being around Will. There was something about that man that he liked…a lot.
* * * *
Comparing Jay to Steven was absolutely absurd. It was like comparing apples to