happened?” asked Will, rushing to him, concerned.
“Rough edge. It’s not bad, just a tear.”
“Let me see.”
“I just need it wrapped to help stop the bleeding.”
“In the kitchen, now,” ordered Will. “I’ll need to clean it. Run it first under the water.”
He held Jay’s hand under the flow of water while he pumped with his free one. “It isn’t bad as I thought, just a lot of blood. Hold it there while I get something to clean and wrap it with.”
He returned with two long strips of cotton along with a bottle of rubbing alcohol. “This should do it,” he said, after cleansing and dressing the wound. “I’d advise you to get a doctor to take a look.”
“No need. It’ll be fine. Thanks for seeing to it. I ‘ spects the doctor would have done the same as you have.”
Their eyes met.
“When will you be back again?” asked Will.
“Tomorrow. Cal, my boss, has given me the okay to be away from the ranch until the work is completed.”
“Well, Mr Harnett , let’s call it a day.” Being in this man’s company, he didn’t entirely trust himself.
“From now on, call me Jay.”
“Then you will have to call me Will.”
They walked to the door and he watched Jay head off down the path. His heart thudded and he felt slightly nauseous. Was Jay different, like him? Was that even possible? There had been a spark. Something had been exchanged between the two of them.
* * * *
Gosh darn it! The new teacher surely isn’t a woman, but a man and a rather attractive-looking one!
Surely the man wasn’t a…homosexual. He winced at even the sheer notion of thinking about that word. Everything about it brought back bad memories, memories of church, and being told that all homosexuals would burn in the flames of hell for all eternity by the preacher.
The teacher possessed a gentle touch. And his skin, never before had he encountered a man with such soft skin. He wore cologne, fresh, like the ocean or what he imagined the ocean smelt like. He probably purchased that cologne at some big fancy shop in the city.
Everything about Will was different, so different from the men who surrounded him at the ranch. He was refined. Just the way he talked, the way he carried himself… Everything.
He brought the mare to a thunderous gallop riding back to the ranch, his mind reeling with confusion.
Mark was the first to greet him at the mess hall during supper. “Where were you this evening?” he asked. They both sat at the same table away from the others. Mark lowered his voice. “I was looking for you.”
“I had things to do in town. Cal arranged to have me do some work on the house for the new school teacher.”
“Is she pretty?” asked Mark, his voice teasing.
“She’s a he.”
“A man? Seriously?”
“That’d be a first around here. What’s he like?”
“He seems nice enough. We didn’t talk much. I only went to assess the house and the work that would be needed.”
“I was thinking that we could…go off somewhere,” suggested Mark.
“I don’t think that’s wise. If someone should see or suspect anything, it could do us both in. You know that.”
“Nope, it’s okay. No need to be sorry,” Mark downed the last of his coffee, then left.
“What was that about?” asked Tuck, sauntering up to the table. “He left rather quick , all in a huff. That temper of his is going to get him in trouble someday.”
“Most likely,” agreed Jay. “It sure isn’t a good trait to have.”
* * * *
The moon. It lit up the night sky, illuminating everything in an ethereal glow.
A stroll before bed would do him good. The cool fresh air was just what he needed. It was bound to relax him, and remove all stress.
Jay walked past the main stable and when a hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed him, he let out a little yelp. He drew back his fist and was ready to strike at his unseen assailant. If anyone were to mess with him,