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Thirteen, Fourteen... Little Boy Unseen
Book: Thirteen, Fourteen... Little Boy Unseen Read Online Free
Author: Willow Rose
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Thrillers, Crime, Horror, Genre Fiction, Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, Serial Killers, Thrillers & Suspense
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small office in her vicarage, where she had lived for the past fifty years.
    No, Pastor Kemp didn’t like the way the church was going or how the devil had been allowed to darken everyone’s mind and poison them with all this, making them believe they were just being open-minded and embracing the new.
    “We shouldn’t exclude anyone from the church,” one of her colleagues had said a few years ago at a conference. “If God is love and two people love one another, who are we to judge? How can we tell them their love is not real? Isn’t it between them and God? After all, we can’t discriminate in the church. We’re supposed to bring a message of love to the people.”
    Pastor Kemp had referred to the Bible and told him all homosexuals were sinners, and if they gave them their blessing, that would make them sinners as well. “You’ll rot in hell,” she told him, pointing at him with her cane. “All of you will. Mark my words.”
    But would they listen? Of course not. This entire country was going to burn in hell. She told them over and over again, whenever the newspapers came to her for a comment. They thought she was raving mad, but that didn’t stop her. No one could. Not even her Head Bishop, who kept telling her that they would retire her. She didn’t care.
    So, last Sunday, Pastor Kemp had spoken to her congregation about it once again.
    “There’s a movement within the church that wants us to embrace homosexuals and bless them in our Lord’s name. But, I tell you, they’ll all rot in hell. It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” she had said, quoting one of the worst movies she had ever seen. Her own daughter, Camilla, had made her watch it many years ago, to make her understand her choice of lifestyle and how she was going to die. Pastor Kemp had watched Philadelphia over and over again after she put her daughter in the ground, after watching her wither away due to the gay-plague, due to her choices in life that ended up killing her. Just like her mother had told her they would. No, this atrocity had to be kept down. The opinions on this subject in the population were getting worse; people were accepting homosexuality and talking about it like it was the most normal thing in the world. With the result that more and more people were deceived into this…this lie…this disease from the pit of hell.
    Pastor Kemp still remembered the day her daughter came to her and told her she was one of them. Told her she had a girlfriend. That she wanted to live her life in the worst sin possible. She had asked her to understand, asked her mother to bless them and what they called their relationship. She had asked her to open up her mind and told her this was the hardest thing she’d ever had to tell her mother, and that she had been terrified for years to let her know, because she knew how she felt about homosexuals.
    Pastor Kemp hadn’t cried that summer day in 1995. Not even when she told her to get out and never come back. Not when she looked into her daughter’s eyes and told her she wasn’t her daughter anymore. Not when her daughter cried and begged for her mother’s acceptance.
    But she did cry three years later, when Camilla came one day to the house holding a VHS-tape with the movie in her hand. Her face was pale and her body wasting away.
    “I don’t know how else to explain all this to you, Mom. But I hope this will,” were the final words she ever said to her mother. Pastor Kemp watched the movie and that was when the tears started rolling across her cheeks. Three weeks later, Pastor Kemp received a call from the hospital in Copenhagen, telling her that her daughter was very sick and that it was time to say goodbye. Camilla hadn’t been conscious and never knew that her mother sat beside her deathbed for three nights straight, crying and cursing the devil and all his lies. Knowing her daughter had lived her life in sin, that the devil had ruined her life and taken her with him to a place where
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