other side of the island. Whenever you would like to go to town just let me know and I’ll take you into Lahaina. You can find just about anything you want there,” he told her.
Not wanting to further inconvenience anyone, Lara swiftly objected, “Oh, I don’t want to pull you away from your work. All I’ll need to do is some grocery shopping, and then I’ll be happy just spending my time exploring.”
A light brown brow rose as he glanced at her with a faint smile curving his lips. “First off, you will not take me away from my work since I work at the house and I do enjoy any and all of the breaks I can get. And secondly, you do not have to ‘grocery shop’ since the housekeeper handles all of the supplies and cooking.”
“I...I didn’t think the house was occupied,” Lara stammered.
“Of course it is. Mr. Saint keeps it fully staffed, since he never knows when he will visit,” Ethan explained.
“Who is Mr. Saint?” she asked, now confused. “Is he Edna’s nephew?”
“Oh, that’s right,” Ethan said. “You have never had the opportunity to meet my employer. Never fear, you still might have that prospect.” Before she had a chance to question him any further, he began to point out the many areas of interest while relating the facts and stories surrounding each place.
They arrived at the house shortly after darkness settled on the island, giving Lara only a shadowed view of her temporary home. The dimensions of the house dazzled her senses. It appeared to encompass the whole mountainside it sat on, with levels climbing up to the peak.
The car pulled to a stop at the clay tiled front entrance. Ethan got out of the car and walked around to Lara’s side. Opening her door, he held out his hand.
Lightly placing her hand in his, she rose and let her eyes appreciate the elegance before her. The light tan stucco gave an exotic flair to the home. As the double wooden front doors opened, she followed Ethan into a large tan-colored foyer with complementing white wainscoting.
A tall older woman awaited them. “Welcome, Ms. Miller. We hope you had a pleasant flight. My name is Margaret, and if there is anything at all you need, all you have to do is ask.” The cheerful smile on Margaret’s welcoming face helped ease some of the confusion Lara still felt.
“Thank you, Margaret. Please call me Lara.” Turning around, Lara marveled at the beauty inside the home. “I think there has been some sort of mistake. I was told that Edna Sanders specified in her will I was to stay at her home here on Maui.” Lara spread out her hands in a helpless gesture. “I mean, there has to be some kind of oversight here.”
Giving a hand signal to Ethan to carry in Lara’s bags, Margaret put her arm around Lara’s shoulders and escorted her further into the house.
“No mistake, this is the place. We have very specific orders to make sure your stay here is memorable. I’m going to show you to your room now and help get you unpacked, and then you will have a nice dinner and relax. Tomorrow, when you are completely refreshed, I will give you a personal tour of the house and grounds. How does that sound?”
Lucien watched Lara and his housekeeper walk away, as he quietly closed the study door and fastened its lock. Everyone in the household knew this particular room was off limits. At times he would invite Margaret in to clean the windowless room, but other than that, this room, with its book-lined shelves, was his private sanctuary.
Turning toward the wall adorned with the only two pieces of artwork in the room, Lucien’s brooding gaze studied his most prized possession. The delicate face that returned his stare was Lara’s.
The picture had been painted by a gifted artist who Lucien hired specifically for this portrait, along with a copy for his other home years ago, when he first found Lara at the hospital. He had worked closely with the reputed gentleman, telling him in great detail her description.