tongue stirred the predator lounging in his belly.
She stared back warily, her smile slipping. “Well, let’s see about that bath.”
He knew exactly where the shower was, but preferred following his hostess through the living room to the marble-tiled hallway beyond to watch the flex and stretch of her ass beneath the satin as she led the way. The plump contours reminded him what the weekend was all about—survival and sex, not falling into her smile.
The creases where her thighs met buttocks were exposed, and Declan had the oddest urge to trace them with his tongue. He, who never lingered over lovemaking, believed foreplay to be a waste of a perfectly good erection.
But here he was wondering if he’d find golden freckles on her ass to match those scattered across her nose and breasts. What inspired him to linger over her rounded bottom was a mystery. She wasn’t at all the sort of woman he preferred.
Her hair was shorter than most men’s. Thick, cropped curls that clung close to her head added to the elfish appeal of her slightly pointed ears.
But her boyish haircut was at odds with the lush derriere that flirted beneath the hem of her underwear.
Since he’d already cast himself in the role of marauder, he didn’t resist the impulse to cup a globe in his hand.
Priscilla shrieked and rounded on him, backing up against the bathroom door. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Giving you your money’s worth.” He moved in, his body so close her breasts would rub his bare chest if she took one deep breath.
“I said, after you’ve bathed we’ll discuss what’s next.”
“Ah! A woman after me own heart,” he said, deliberately misunderstanding her. “Shall I scrub your back first?”
“I am not joining you in the shower. It’s too small.”
“It’s quite large, actually. Room enough for Agnes too, if she cares to join us,” he said, raising his voice toward the end to make sure the other woman heard his challenge.
“You two go right ahead,” Agnes chirped. “I’m going to have a little word with Tonio.”
“You do that!” Priscilla shouted toward the ceiling. “And find out where the off switch is!”
“Do you think you need a safe word?” he asked, lowering his head so that his mouth hovered just above hers. He reached around her, his arm encircling her waist to grasp the door latch, and he tugged it downward.
The door opened behind Priscilla, and she stepped backward into the gray and chrome-appointed bathroom.
She felt horribly out of control of the situation. The beast of a robot had run amok, pushing the limits of her patience and comfort. Didn’t he know she was the one in charge? His eyes glinted with dark, dangerous hints of sensual perversions she didn’t have the nerve to contemplate. If she could just figure out where his power grid was hidden… She needed a few minutes of quiet to think through her predicament. Although…
The more closely she ogled the bot’s body, the more intriguing the possibilities grew. She’d never had a ruffian before. If she could just find a way to wipe that smirk off his face…
His smile grew wolfish. “I’d love nothing better than to work up a lather with you, love.”
Unnerved by his overtly sensual suggestion and the subtle Irish brogue that wrapped itself around his words, Priscilla took another step backward.
His dark gaze challenged her, making her heart skip and her legs tremble. She was unaccustomed to being the prey, as she more often played the hunter in the relationship game. She had never been the object of such a raw, unpolished come-on. If only she could forget the bot was only acting on his programming…
Then again, she was comforted knowing he wasn’t a real man. For she would never have allowed the liberties she’d already ceded this robot. She would never have given an inch of ground, no matter the cost.
This weekend was supposed to be a fantasy, and while it wasn’t shaping up to be the one she’d