existed. My job was to protect the realms and for more centuries than I cared to count I had done this successfully. Never once letting my personal life infiltrate this goal. But just one slip into my memory bank at seeing Keira in agony and I was ready to take on all the wrath Hell had to offer just to save one human life. It was perfect insanity and the most beautiful of mistakes to make.
I never understood the meaning of true love and why those who have tasted its bitter sweet nectar would kill for just one more sip…until there was her. And bitter sweet this next action would be indeed…well, if all factors involved got their arses in place to aid me. Because as much as I hated to say it, if there was ever a time to admit that I couldn’t do this alone, then that time was now…
Ego be dammed!
I walked up to the faceless shapes immortalised in the massive wood panels and waited to be granted entrance. It wasn’t the type of place where you could just barge your way in any more than you could just knock and wait for the butler to answer. After about ten minutes I was just about ready to tear the bloody thing down and have done with it but as if my mounting rage was all that was needed, the door started to open.
A bluish glow emanated from behind the opening making me squint against it for a moment until my eyes adjusted. As the door opened further it was almost as if the space behind it had its own blue moon. I stepped inside and was not surprised that I wasn’t that far off.
I had heard about this place but never before seen its haunting beauty. The sound of the echoing doors closing behind me only emphasized the size of the room I now stood in.
“The Temple of Lost Olympia.” I felt compelled to speak its name as an emotion I don’t usually feel overtook me. If I was to compare such a thing, I imagined it to be as simple as a young boy seeing something from his childhood stories now in the flesh.
The Temple of Lost Olympia was said to be on top of Mount Olympus and also known as the Temple of Worship, but when the mountain split so did the Temple, half of which became the Titan’s prison. Knowing that I would be seeing one half was enough but this part was something else. It was as though a piece of Heaven itself had fallen down into the lowest depths of Hell and remained here untouched yet still broken.
The colossal pillars that once framed the great space were now crumbling marble and looked like slabs of broken, stone cogs lay amongst the rest of the rubble. Parts of the many giant statues of fallen Gods lined the long room and remained in various states of decay.
I walked down the centre that had strangely remained cleared of debris and couldn’t help but look up at the hundred foot statues in awe. Gods that had once walked these very steps as I and could have gazed upon their own commemorated grand image of themselves.
To be honest I thought it was all slightly egotistical myself but that’s what you usually found from the Gods and considering they got most of their power from being worshipped I guess it made sense…well that was until you saw for yourself where that worship got them. Broken and immortal remains in Hell, is where!
I had to shake my head at it all as I frustratingly had to move painfully slow through these parts, knowing what lurked in the shadows of Tartarus…
Chapter 46-
Beauty Twisted Ugly.
As if I didn’t have enough to contend with, one wrong move in this place and Zeus’ throwaways would come by in swarms. Harpies were known as the hounds of Zeus, created for the sole purpose to steal for the arrogant God. He created a new race consisting of four sisters. They were beautiful bird like creatures with the faces to rival any Goddess. Long elegant bodies adorned with half milky skin and plush white feathers. As such they each were gifted with a set of magnificent wings that outshone any Angel