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The Onyx Talisman
Book: The Onyx Talisman Read Online Free
Author: Brenda Pandos
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
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sweet like honey, but cutting like acid.
    All eyes fell on me. Here we go.
    “Your what?” Phil asked.
    “That’s ill-advised,” Scarlet interrupted.
    Stunned, the group all turned to her in unison since she rarely spoke out loud. I ignored her and kept my glare on Katie. No one had claim over my comings and goings, especially not neck-biting Katie.
    “Yes, that’s on my mind as well, thank you very much for mentioning it. I need a vacation.”
    Scarlett inhaled deeply, while Phil’s arms fell to his sides. Everyone’s uncertainty laced the air around me, its tentacles looking for hearts to constrict.
    “You’re not welcome in Los Angeles. The line has been clearly drawn. If you are out at night for one instant, they’ll find you,” Scarlett said.
    I smirked. “Have you forgotten the talisman? There’s nothing those vamps can do to me.”
    “Physical harm, no. But psychologically…” Scarlet closed her eyes. “It’s just not in the plan.”
    The plan.
    She’d finally somewhat voiced her real purpose for being in our muddled group. Though everyone believed she liked heading up our coven, interested in our teenage drama and banter, I knew the truth. She only hung around to keep tabs on me so I’d fulfill my destiny, a fortune told to me by her deceased owner several months ago. Madame had read my palm and said I’d single-handedly wipe the earth clean of vampires, which ironically included her shape-shifting self. So of course, being in mixed company, the “plan” wasn’t freely shared.
    But because each vampire’s lifeline depended on their maker being alive, in order to fulfill the prophecy, I’d have to kill Cain, the father of all vampires. Only then could they all be destroyed in one swoop. Though I hated the evil vampires of the world, and grieved daily the murder of my mother by one, I’d never do it, even if offered the chance. How could she even think I’d murder Nicholas, Phil, Katie and even herself?
    “I’ll be careful.”
    Phil shot me a pained look and opened his mouth, but closed it again. Guilt plunged into my stomach, but I kept my back stiff. I had to do this for me. If no one was willing to stand up against the vampires of L.A., then I’d go alone and use whatever guise it took.
    “Chasing him is just going to backfire,” Katie said.
    I shot her a look. “What did you just say?”
    “Honey, Nicholas obviously wants space. Going down there will just make you look desperate.”
    An ocean of feelings rippled through my chest, the biggest being anger. Katie of all people shouldn’t be lecturing me on “chasing” guys. That had been her whole reason for living, prior to becoming a vampire. Only after her beauty was enhanced with vampiric juju, was Tyler unable to fend off her charm.
    “You’ve got some freaking nerve,” I finally said, my hands forming into fists.
    Katie stood up and handed me a glare. “You just don’t seem to care that there’s more than just your concerns to consider in the Fab Five. As a group we decided a long time ago it would be best for you to stay here and wait for him to return. You can’t just go flitting off to Disneyland and put everyone in jeopardy. It’s stupid.”
    “Shut-up, Katie!” I exploded, adrenaline opening the floodgates behind my words. “You have no clue the sacrifices I’ve given you. A safe place to stay, and a coven for all intents and purposes. And all I’ve received in return is your snappy tongue. My boyfriend could be dead for all I know and no one here cares. And way back when, we decided we’d discuss it. Not that I’d wait forever.”
    “Well, the coven has spoken. Am I right?” She looked at everyone and when no one spoke up, she flipped her dark hair and turned her back on me. “For stuff like this, it’s just how it needs to be. So deal.”
    The blood ripped through my veins like a freight train. Katie needed to understand who was really in charge here: me. And without my invitation, she’d be on her

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