The Evil Hairdo Read Online Free

The Evil Hairdo
Book: The Evil Hairdo Read Online Free
Author: Oisin McGann
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could something so beautiful be causing so much trouble? I was starting to think I was jinxed. It was so unfair.
    I was walking up the road past the WitchCraft salon, when I saw a girl about my age come out the door. She had the WitchCraft hairdo as well and she was coming towards me. As we passed each other, her fringe ruffled as if it was blowing in the wind and then mine did too.

    But there was no wind. It was as if our hairdos had waved to each other.
    I pulled up my hood and ran the rest of the way home.
    Mum was in the kitchen when I got in, reading one of her magazines and drinking a spring water. The bike was still sitting out in the garden, because neither Wayne nor Mum could lift it. The garden was in a state. I was about to head upstairs when I remembered Wayne. I hung up my coat and walked into the kitchen.
    ‘Hello honey,’ she said without looking up. ‘How was Kelly?’
    ‘Okay, except I don’t think we’re friends anymore,’ I replied.
    She raised her head and put down the magazine. I knew she was looking at my red, cried-out eyes.
    ‘Why not? Have you two had a fight?’ she asked, tenderly.
    ‘Sort of, yeah.’
    ‘Well, don’t worry. You’ll make up. You always do. It’s not like you’ve never had a fight before.’

    ‘There’s something I have to tell you, Mum. It’s about Wayne and the motorbike.’ I bit my lip.
    Mum closed the magazine and folded her arms.
    ‘I helped Wayne, y’know, start it up. Youjust didn’t see me ’cause I ran away after it went through the garden.’
    ‘I see,’ she said, her voice all cold and hard, the way it is when she’s trying not to be angry. ‘Well, at least you’re being honest about it. You’d better go to your room. Your dad will be home soon and we’ll deal with all this then. And look in on your brother. I don’t think he’s been himself since I took his telly away. He was actually reading a book last time I checked in on him.’
    ‘Yes, Mum.’
    Wayne was still reading. He glanced up when I opened his door, and then shoved his face back into the book.
    ‘Hi. I … eh. I told Mum I … helped you,’ I mumbled.
    He didn’t say anything.
    ‘Are you okay? What’s the book?’
    ‘It’s about witches and sorcerers,’ he hissed. ‘It’s a story about how a boy is cursed with a sister who’s stupid and gets him in trouble, but doesn’t get in any herself. The sister gets eaten by giant rats in the end.’

    ‘It doesn’t sound very nice,’ I said.
    ‘Life isn’t nice. Life is hard and then you die,’ he replied in a dark voice.
    Now I was definitely worried about him. He was starting to sound like a heavy metal song.
    I stayed in my room until Dad got home. I lay on my bed, feeling depressed and scratching my head, which was feeling itchy again. I really hoped he wouldn’t be too mad. I didn’t know if I could take it. When I heard his keys in the front door, Icovered my head with the pillow.
    He nearly went through the roof when he found out what had happened.

    Mum tried to break it to him softly, but that was difficult with his pride and joy lying in a heap against the garden wall. He was pretty angry when he saw the bike, I know that. But I think the fact that we could have been hurt really made him explode. He and Mum always get angry when Wayne or I do dangerous things. Maybe because it scares them.
    Wayne and I got shouted at for nearly ten full minutes. Then Mum and Dad calmed down and talked about how much they worried about us. That was even worse, because even though they were the ones who’d been doing all the yelling, it made us feel like we’d really hurt them . After that, things went very quiet, and Wayne and I crept back up to ourrooms until dinner was ready.
    Mum tried to make conversation over dinner, but nobody wanted to talk. Dad chewed every piece of his food for a very long time, a sure sign that he was absolutely furious. In the end, Wayne and I were to have our televisions taken away
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