eyes followed the twirling of an ochre leaf as it detached itself from a tree and drifted to the ground, slowly, slowly – and her mind went back in time. She felt herself sinking down onto the leaves, felt Alfie's breath on her cheek, the sensation as he took her. She should remember the beauty of it, not the shame. The shame was not natural – their act was what was natural.
She turned to look again at the huge oak bed in the centre of the room. Had Papa ever been in this bed? He must have come sometimes, a guest, or she would not be alive. It had never troubled her before that she had no brothers or sisters. She enjoyed being alone, the spoilt and petted child of a devoted couple, but now she was older and wiser she wondered about it. Her mother had told her long ago that she had difficulty in conceiving a child and how happy she and Joshua had been when Ellie was born safe and well.
Ellie looked at the dashing gentleman carved on the bed head. A gallant lover! A thrill of secret pleasure ran though her and a tender smile curved over her lips
When she turned back, she found her mother had ceased writing and was watching her with a peculiar intensity as if trying to look inside her mind. The telltale smile left Ellie's face and she glanced down. Maria went back to the letters but a sudden fear troubled her and her eyes snapped back to her daughter's face in apprehension. She saw Ellie's little smile again. She recognised that kind of smile.
She must write another letter. That was it. That was the only way. She scribbled furiously for a few moments, waved the page dry, sealed it then rang for her maid.
Chapter 2
Oreton Hall. The summer of 1852
Two years had passed since that fateful autumn in Ellie's young life and she was now almost eighteen years old. Her meetings with Alfie were infrequent enough; the families seemed to convene less often than in her childhood. When questioned, her mother told her that it was because they were all so busy and engaged with other matters.
'As you know, Ellie, Lord Dillinger has much responsibility with his new government post. He has hopes of climbing even higher. Between you and me, he aims for Prime Minister one day and I am convinced he has all the qualities for such a position. Lady Mary, therefore, has much entertaining to do in London. Papa, of course, is also heavily occupied with his legal affairs. So, as you see, my dear, there is less time these days for long and pleasant holidays at Oreton Hall.'
Sometimes, of course, the families met up socially in London but it was impossible for Alfie and Ellie to do more than steal a kiss now and then or hold hands surreptitiously when no one observed them. They were never able to go off alone or meet in any way that was unsupervised. This made the flame of their desire and longing for one another even more intense and desperate. Whenever the lovers could manage it, they stole away to the woods or barns at Oreton Hall and made love with all the passion of their first encounter.
Time and custom made it easier. Ellie felt less disgrace and became more abandoned with her lover. The thrill of such forbidden fruit tempted her as it had tempted Eve in the past. She yearned to speak of her love – she was young and eager; she was overflowing with delight and fearful excitement. Yet she was obliged to keep silent because Alfie demanded her silence. He kept telling her they were both too young, that their parents would object to such an early attachment and that his father had in fact hinted that he should not think of women yet but concentrate on his examinations. She hated these restrictions and rebelled inwardly but was obedient to Alfie's whim. It was hard. Especially when she was with her cousin, Anne Templeton. Anne wanted to chatter about all the young men of their acquaintance who showed any interest in them and could not understand Ellie's