know a guy on the planet that wouldn't have taken a crack at bedding Sadie Sinclair.
The restaurant was practically a fishbowl filled with a handful of the rich and famous dining on tiny plates of food with gigantic price tags. A swarm of paparazzi lined the sidewalks waiting for the guests to enter and exit. I ran a hand through my hair as I walked in. Had to look good in case the paps snapped a pic of me dining with Sadie. Always ready for a photo op. The excitement of my first tabloid photo was cut short as the hostess escorted me to a secluded table in the back. Hollace waved as I approached and stood to greet me.
I'd prepped for this meeting all night, but it was shot straight to hell the moment I laid eyes on her. I had to remind my dick that my brain was the one in charge. Her dark auburn hair hung in a mess of curls down her back and her perfectly glossed lips looked totally kissable as she looked over her shoulder. As she shifted in her chair to get a better look at me—swinging her toned legs out from under the table—I was greeted by the ample amount of cleavage she had peeking out of the deep v-neck of the clingy shirt she was wearing.
“Nick, this is – ” Hollace started to introduce us.
“Sadie Sinclair.” I reached out for her hand and pulled her up on her heels. She wasn't very tall, but in those shoes her legs looked like they stretched for miles out from under the little black shorts she had on. I wouldn't have been a dude, if I didn't have a quick thought of them wrapped around my waist. “I know all about you.” I offered up my most seductive smile.
“Well, now,” she breathed with just a hint of the Southern twang she'd tried so hard to loose over the span of her career. “That doesn't seem fair, considering I know nothing about you, Mister...” Her teeth tugged at her bottom lip as she waited for me to answer and let her eyes pore over my tattooed arms.
Yep. This is going to be a cake walk .
“Nick Kline,” I answered. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
“This is the new, up-and-coming producer I was telling you about, Sadie,” Hollace interjected as he stood up.
Sadie stared me down. It was hard to tell if she was just enjoying the view or if she was silently judging me. She dropped her hand from mine and popped it up on her hip. Her eyes flashed from lust to anger in a split second.
“I told you I didn't want a rookie,” she said defensively.
Judging it was then.
As much as she wanted to sound like an artist, I had it on pretty good authority that she was actually about as talented as Pixy Stick.
“Relax, Sadie,” Hollace calmed her by placing a hand on her bare shoulder. “I'm on your side, remember?”
“You damn well better be,” she reminded him with a harsh shrug.
“I understand your concerns, Miss Sinclair,” I interrupted as she dropped back into her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “But I can assure you that what I lack in experience, I can make up for with my hard work and dedication. I take music very seriously.” I didn't care if she couldn't sing—or even read music for that matter. I was the artist and I could work Auto-Tune with the best of them. “I'd love to discuss your vision and how I can help you accomplish it.”
“Yes.” Vince Roberts stuck his hand. “Let's sit down and discuss this.” I nodded, acknowledging him, but turned my attention back to Sadie quickly. He ran a hand through his salt-and-pepper hair as he nodded and sat down. I knew I needed to be on his good side, but Sadie needed my undivided attention. If I could get her on board, I'd make sure he followed soon after.
“Hollace has filled me in on what you want to do with your next album and I think I can help you establish yourself as an adult with your fans. I get it. Trust me. You want to be taken seriously.”
Her eyes went wide as she listened to me spout off on how I could help her get a more mature sound. I also managed to stroke her ego at the same