Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set) Read Online Free

Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set)
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letting myself enjoy every bit of the moment, but telling myself I can’t let us get back here again.
    I come against him hard, and he smashes against me as orgasm overtakes him. We stay there clinging to each other.
    A few moments after exploding in me, he walks me, legs still wrapped around him and my arms about his neck, back to the bed where he slowly pushes inside my pussy a few more times.
    “Just trying to milk these last few seconds,” he says, one wanton hand roaming my body. “I never thought I’d have you against me like this, that I’d get to know what it’s like to be inside of you. I know I’m deflating right now, but I still like being snuggled in your warmth, Lisa, I like feeling my pelvis connect with your bare pussy lips.” He lets out a deep breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to eat you out completely…”
    “Oh god, don’t remind me—the taste of what your mouth is capable of was enough to send me into a frenzy.”
    “You’re telling me. Listen, we don’t have to stop here, Lisa. I bet there’ll be plenty of opportunities for us to saddle up over my time here.”
    I sigh. “I wish we could explore some more too, but you know this is wrong—you know this has to be one time. One day only.”
    He nods a little, silently, looking down. Then he quickly pulls himself out of me and again, my pussy protests. I love the feel of him being snuggled in my warmth too.
    “So we have a deal,” I say. “We’ll both stay quiet about this and pretend it never happened. And we’ll both do our best to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It’s not fair to anyone involved.”
    He sort of nods again.
    Luckily, I clean up and get ready before his friend gets back home, so even if his friend catches a whiff of sex in the air, this whole thing has an even better chance of staying between just the two of us.

    When I get home to the apartment, I’m not sure if it’s me at first, but I catch a whiff of sex.
    Then I realize the shower’s running.
    A few seconds later, I hear it turn off.
    “Hey, hon, got off early,” Joey says, toweling himself off.
    He is standing there in all his brown-skinned, nude glory grinning at me, looking the picture of innocence, but a small part of me insists all is not what it seems.
    But what can I say or do considering what has transpired today?
    “How’d the pickup go?” he asks.
    “Oh. Fine. You gave me the wrong time so I was there way too early, but it all worked out.”
    “Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Anyway, you know any girls I can hook Travis up with? Dude’s so thirsty when he gets back…”
    I am bristling and trying my hardest not to show it.
    Maybe before Travis fucked my brains out I could keep fooling myself into thinking I didn’t care about who he hooked up with, but now that I’ve had that tasty cock inside of me, I kind of feel possessive of it.
    I give a half-shrug and say, “I’ll think about it—go through my Facebook list or something.”
    “Oh good, ‘cause I think the rest of us guys have run out. He wanted me to take him to a strip club or something later tonight so he can get off in some way involving girls.”
    “Yeah. You cool with that? I still might do it—I’ll find out if he’s still up for it. But are you cool or not?”
    I really don’t know what to say. I don’t really care about the strip club—I am mainly fighting off the retort that Travis has probably calmed down by now.
    Then again, he still might be up for it in every way. He seemed insatiable.
    My jealousy is growing.
    What is wrong with me? How selfish am I?
    “Do I get to go to Chippendales or something while you’re away or whenever?” I ask.
    “Of course you do. I’m not jealous like that.”
    He looks at me with a twinkle I can’t translate.
    The hell did he really mean?
    “Hell, you can even come with us to the strip club if you want, but I’m not sure he’d want you there, watching him be all desperate and drooling.”
    I laugh,
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