Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Domestic Fiction, Man-Woman Relationships, Love Stories, Sisters, responsibility, Football Players - United States
somewhere you need to be?” “Sure, but this is more fun.” “No, it’s not.” He was getting to her. The blush deepened and she couldn’t decide if she wanted to throw herself at him or punch him. Frustration was good. It meant she was interested and annoyed with herself at the same time. “We should go out,” he said, knowing the invitation would push her further off balance. “What? No.” “Dinner. We’ll go to dinner.” “I’m not going to dinner with you.” “Why not?” “It’s not a good idea.” And the first round went to him. If she really hadn’t been interested, she would have told him directly. “Sure it is.” He moved so close that she had to tilt her head back to continue to meet his gaze. “It’s an excellent idea.” “I’m not going.” “Yes, you are.” “I’m not and you can’t make me.” He walked to the door of the bakery and paused. “Want to bet?” he said, and then he left. As he crossed to his truck, he could practically hear her sputtering. That had gone well. It was early in the first quarter, and he was already deep in enemy territory and poised to score.
“AMY’S THERAPY is going really well,” Claire said as she chopped more mushrooms, then scooped them into a bowl. “She’s young, which helps. Her brain is still open to change. Unlike those of us who have closed brains.” Nicole shredded lettuce into a bowl. “I have no idea where my brain stands on the whole open-closed issue.” Amy was Wyatt’s daughter and Claire’s soon-to-be stepdaughter. She’d been born deaf and had recently asked for a cochlear implant to help her hear. While the surgery put in the required hardware, special therapy was required to train her to recognize sound in a new way and process it. “Amy’s so excited about the implant,” Claire said. “She asks me to play for her every night.” “Which you love.” “I do. She’s my biggest fan.” Given that Claire was a world-class concert pianist, with Grammy-winning CDs and more concert dates than she could fill in two lifetimes, that was saying something. “I thought Wyatt was your biggest fan,” Nicole teased. “He is. In other ways.” Her sister laughed and Nicole smiled. She was happy for Claire. Seriously. She didn’t want Wyatt for herself. She tried telling herself she didn’t want any man for herself, but she knew she would be lying. She wanted someone special. Someone who would love her and always be there for her. Unfortunately she’d picked Drew. Instantly she flashed back to that night when she’d walked in on Drew and Jesse in bed together. They’d been kissing, or about to. Jesse’d been topless. Nicole had— She reminded herself not to go there. She had to stop torturing herself with the past. She’d put Drew behind her; she had to move on. She should think about something more pleasant. Immediately images of Hawk filled her brain. The man might make her crazy, but he had a body to die for. She’d never been all that into appearance, but in his case, she was willing to make an exception. Time for a mental change of subject, Nicole told herself. She finished with the lettuce and passed the bowl to her sister. “So have you figured out your fall traveling schedule?” Claire shrugged. “Nearly. Lisa gave me a list of places and I’m narrowing them down. I don’t want to be gone too much. Not just because of missing Wyatt and Amy, but I don’t want to get exhausted for the baby.” “Are you checking with your doctor?” Nicole asked, trusting the medical profession with Claire’s health a lot more than she trusted Lisa, Claire’s manager. Claire nodded. “She wants me to keep travel to a minimum during the last couple weeks of my first trimester. Then I’ll travel a lot during the second. Less during the third. Lisa mentioned something about a holiday concert series in Hawaii, but I don’t think I’ll be up for it.” Nicole reached for an avocado.