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Book: SizzlingInsanity Read Online Free
Author: Lorna Jean Roberts
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Cade only needed a few hours of sleep a night.
    They made their way to Sam’s study. Connor knocked on the
door, opening it at Sam’s invitation.
    Senator Sam Garrison was a handsome man. His blond hair had
grown lighter with age and the lines on his face only added to his appeal. His
brown eyes warmed as he glanced over at them. Standing at his side was his
assistant, Daniel, a middle-aged man with a soft paunch and a cold demeanor.
Connor couldn’t warm to the man and despite the fact that Daniel had always
been civil, Connor got the distinct impression that he didn’t like werewolves.
    “Connor, Cade, come in. Sit down,” Sam said, gesturing
forward with his hand. “Thanks, Daniel. I think that’s everything.”
    The other man nodded and left.
    Connor took a seat on the other side of the desk, while Cade
prowled around the room, checking that the windows were secure. He brought out
his bug detector. Sam just grinned, he was used to Cade’s paranoia by now.
    “All clean,” Cade announced, coming over to sit next to
    “Good,” Sam said with a smile.
    Their brother, Cooper, had asked them to take the job and
Connor was glad they had. Connor held a lot of respect for Sam. He took a tough
stance on the things he believed in and he didn’t back down. Despite the
threats to him, he’d stuck to his viewpoint on the Werewolf Registration Bill
and he was key to gaining others’ votes. People respected Sam. He was a good
    Plus Cade liked him. Cade liked very few people. That Sam
was one of them spoke to the character and integrity of the man.
    “How are things going?” Sam asked.
    “Just a few threatening letters, nothing that we haven’t had
before,” Connor answered.
    “Connor caught a woman spying on the house,” Cade said.
    “Really?” Sam said in amazement. “Who is she? Where is she?”
    “We’re in the process of finding out,” Connor said smoothly,
before his brother could spill all the humiliating details. “We’re watching her
closely. We thought it best to gather information before bringing her in.”
    There, that didn’t sound so bad.
    “She got away from Connor,” Cade interjected. “Knocked him
out. Did a good job of covering her tracks, but we found her.”
    Connor groaned with frustration.
    “She got away from you? Really?” Sam looked at him in
surprise before smiling. “I’d like to meet this woman.”
    “I was taken by surprise, sir. It won’t happen again.”
    Sam waved that away. “The two of you are excellent at your
job. I have no complaints. I’m glad to have your team here. So any ideas who this
woman is? Do you think she’s a member of HAW?”
    “Unlikely. She’s a werewolf,” Cade replied.
    Sam’s eyes widened. “Really? Why would a werewolf be
watching the house?”
    “We were hoping you might know,” Connor answered him. “Do
you happen to know anyone from the Sunnyland pack?”
    Sam’s face hardened and he stood, walking over to look out
the window. Cade tensed.
    “Sir, stay away from the windows.”
    “They’re bullet-proof, Cade. You saw to that when you
arrived, remember? Cost me a small fortune,” Sam replied, his voice tense.
    “You need to be in the habit of keeping away from windows so
you don’t forget when you’re somewhere else. Plus, there are things that will
break bullet-proof glass.”
    Sam turned and moved away from the window. “Like what? A
rocket launcher?”
    “Yes,” Cade answered seriously, not realizing the senator
was joking.
    “I doubt someone is going to launch a rocket at the house,
Cade,” Sam told him, his voice tinged with exasperation and some amusement.
    Cade shrugged. “They might. I’ve run through all the
scenarios and that was one of them.”
    “What scenarios?” Sam asked.
    Connor groaned silently.
    “Your assassination,” Cade replied.
    “That’s a worst-case scenario, of course, sir. Cade is just
being thorough.”
    “Oh, I have no doubt in my mind about Cade’s thoroughness.
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