Simon Says: Mine: A novella (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven Book 2) Read Online Free

Simon Says: Mine: A novella (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven Book 2)
Book: Simon Says: Mine: A novella (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven Book 2) Read Online Free
Author: Sinclair Cherise
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Erotic
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thought of actually acting out some of her fantasies.
    Mouth suddenly dry, she sipped the last of her lukewarm water. First she’d have to meet a dom. She could watch another demonstration. But the shows—scenes—down here seemed more personal. More intimate. If Simon wanted to beat on her, she’d rather do it here than upstairs.
    She choked on the water. What the heck had brought Simon back to mind?
    Well, she knew the answer to that. Any woman would want him, with that devastating combination of easy manners and merciless authority. And don’t think about his voice —as smooth and rich as Dove’s dark chocolate. Goose bumps prickled up her arms, and she sighed.
    Hopeless, she was just hopeless. And Master Simon was way out of her league. She needed someone less intimidating.
    She looked around. Hmmm . Not the old guy over there or the fat one. She checked the other direction and spotted a tall blond, maybe in his late twenties. Rather cute. He stood with his hands behind his back, watching a nearby scene. When he looked around, his gaze met Rona’s. She smiled at him. You. Yeah, you. C’mere, honey.
    He blinked and headed over. “Hi. You’re new here?”
    “That’s right.”

Chapter Two
    T here you are . Simon stopped at the sight of the woman he’d been hunting. Someone else had captured his quarry first and secured her arms to chains dangling from the low suspension beam. The dom, one of the younger men, had removed her gown and petticoats, leaving her in a corset, sleeveless chemise, and drawers.
    What a nice picture. Lovely, soft curves and pale skin, big eyes and a stubborn chin.
    However, for someone so thoroughly restrained, the submissive had taken control of the play.
    “Pitiful,” Xavier said, joining him. The owner of Dark Haven wore a frock coat like Simon’s over a silver-and-blue paisley vest. Very dapper, especially with his black hair braided back almost to his ass.
    Simon raised an eyebrow at his friend. “You know the sub?”
    “No. She’s not been here before.”
    Then why is she so familiar ? Simon watched for a moment and winced when Rona laughed at the dom. True, she had an adorable, low laugh, but the dom had totally lost control of the scene. From the young man’s unhappy expression, he didn’t know how to get it back—if he’d ever had it. The term “ submissive ” didn’t necessarily mean pushover.
    “I told David to stick to the easy subs,” Xavier said.
    “Friend of yours?”
    “He took one of my classes for dominants. He’s not bad, just inexperienced.” Xavier started toward the scene, but a barmaid stopped him, chattering about a problem. He held up his hand to pause her, then turned to Simon. “Do me a favor and rescue David, would you? I’ll join you shortly.”
    Simon heard Rona order the dom to try something in his bag and grinned. “She’s a bossy one.”
    Xavier’s black brows rose. “Like her, do you? Perhaps I won’t owe you a favor after all.”
    “No, my friend, I will owe you one. However, since she’s new to the lifestyle and community, I’d appreciate a reference.” Simon clapped his shoulder and moved to where he could be seen but not interfere if David chose to ignore him. Not that there was any scene dynamic to destroy here.
    David looked confused when he saw Simon, but he walked over. Frustration had tensed his muscles and jawline. “It’s Simon, right?”
    “Xavier sent me in case you wanted out. I met the sub earlier, and I wouldn’t mind working with her.”
    “Hell yes. Take her.” The dom scowled. “Xavier warned me about getting in over my head. Now I know what he meant.”
    “Like anything else, it takes practice. Does she have any hard limits or requests?”
    “No blood sports. No anal. She wanted to play the rest by ear and chose ‘Houston’ for a safe word.”
    “As in ‘Houston, we have a problem’?”
    David grinned. “Yep.”
    She definitely has a sense of humor . Simon nodded acknowledgment and
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