Secret Identity (What's Her Secret?) Read Online Free Page B

Secret Identity (What's Her Secret?)
Book: Secret Identity (What's Her Secret?) Read Online Free
Author: Stacey Lynn Rhodes
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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hers again. “I know.”
    Sienna swallowed, almost feeling that perusal as a physical touch as it brought back memories of the other night. “What are you doing here?” she asked him, standing her ground.
    “We need to talk, Cici.” His serious tone was far removed from his flirty joking around of earlier.
    Ugh—again with that name . But the name reminded her of her team, who might very well be watching this unfold. And his demeanor and the way he’d said he ‘needed’ to talk had piqued her curiosity. Damn it .
    “Fine. Come inside before some random person decides they desperately need a latte.” She moved aside to let him in then closed and locked the door behind him.
    He moved up right behind her, not touching her but in her space in a way that made her instantly aware that they were alone for the first time. She fought to keep her breathing even, not from fear but from the almost overwhelming urge to pull him into the back and do something that didn’t require talking.
    She turned to the side enough to look him in the eye. “What do we need to talk about?” she prompted, deliberately using his word choice.
    He fixed her with a level gaze. “What you’re doing here and what answers you can give me about Harlan Coffman.”
    She froze, running through her options in her head. Shit, she was alone in here with him. Her backup gun was in one of her cargo pockets, but she wasn’t sure that at this range she could get it out without him being able to stop her or take it away. Especially if he was, as was becoming evident, more than just a delivery guy.
    She needed to put some distance between them, but as soon as she took a couple of steps back away, he followed her, his expression becoming concerned.
    “Hey, don’t be scared.” He reached into his pocket and she tensed, preparing to fight back.
    But instead of pulling out a weapon as she’d been expecting, he pulled out something else that caused her mouth to literally drop open in shock.
    “Oh my God.”

Chapter Four
    He raised his eyebrows, but before he could say anything, she grabbed his free hand. “Come in the back. Now.”
    Sienna tugged him to get him going in the direction she wanted. Her mind was going a million miles a second and she couldn’t get him into the greater privacy of the office quickly enough.
    As soon as they were both in there, she slammed the door behind him then held out her hand, impatiently beckoning for the familiar object in his.
    He gave her the flat wallet while watching her closely.
    She flipped it open and studied the badge inside, swallowing her surprise. “You’re a cop?”
    “Sort of,” he answered, which was true. The DEA wasn’t exactly the local police.
    When the hell had the Feds become involved and moreover, why the fuck hadn’t anyone told Sienna or her team? And why did she get the feeling that he didn’t know she was undercover?
    She decided to play dumb. “What exactly seems to be the problem, officer?”
    His expression didn’t change, but she could sense that he was assessing her. “Special Agent,” he corrected. “But you can just call me Greg.”
    “Okay, Greg. Sorry. I don’t usually talk to law enforcement.” Yeah, that was a total lie, but whatever. “I don’t understand what this is all about.” That, on the other hand, was the utter truth.
    “We’d like to have you come down to our office and answer some questions about Mr Coffman and about Primo Café in general.”
    She felt like she was playing catch-up. What would her character say? “I’d be happy to, but I’m not sure if there’s much I can tell you. Especially about the café. I just started working here today to help out.”
    “That’s fine. Whatever information you can give us would be helpful.”
    Sienna hated to admit it—and never would under pain of death—but Greg was about ten times sexier now that she knew who he really was. It took a smart and focused person to get as far as he had, and intelligence was
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