drums. He pulled the .45 from his pants and pointed it at Frank. "Okay, smart guy. What's this plan?"
Frank tried to look unnerved. He crossed his arms and sighed.
"My brother and me have a sweet little thing going in Bayport. Plenty of rich kids driving expensive cars. The pickings are easy. The only problem is that we've had a hard time moving cars. No one wants to take a chance on buying a hot car in one piece."
"I still haven't heard anything to interest me enough to keep me from plugging you and your brother," Smith said.
Snake let loose with a loud cackle that echoed throughout the warehouse.
Joe curled one end of his lip and growled. Snake coughed and moved behind Smith.
Frank ignored the two. "Here's the deal. We can bring in more bread by chopping our cars. The problem is we don't have the funds to start our own shop - "
"So you want to use my little business here," Smith interrupted.
"Exactly. We boost the cars from those Bayport brats, chop 'em here, and split the proceeds."
"And what do you figure would be a fair split?"
Smith laughed loud and hard.
"What circus did you two clowns escape from?" He shook his head. "No way. I've got the shop, I got the equipment, I got my man Snake here who can boost any car, and I got it easy. Why should I take on two punks who just waltzed in off the street?"
"Because you're not a fool," Joe spoke up. "What my brother and me are offering you is too good to pass up, and you know it. Snake may be a good thief, but he's two cylinders short of full power. It won't be long until the Bayport police catch him and your little operation goes up - kaboom!" Joe made an exploding gesture with his hands.
"We know every little street and alley and escape route in Bayport," Frank added.
Smith sat silently, clutching and unclutching the .45 with nervous agitation. His expression was blank. Frank and Joe weren't sure what his reaction would be.
"You've got a point," he said after several tense moments. Smith stood, thrusting the .45 into his waistband. "Before we finalize this deal, you two have to pass a little test."
Frank smiled. "Name it," he said with confidence.
"Let's see how good you are. Joey here can stay and keep me and Snake company while you find a nice little expensive car to boost. Bring it back here without getting caught, and we'll see about finalizing the deal."
"That's all?" Frank asked.
"No. If you're not back here in fifteen minutes, I'll assume you got caught or can't do the job and Joey here - well, let's not think about that."
"I'm not going to be a hostage," Joe said angrily.
"Did I say anything about a hostage? You're just a little insurance to make sure your brother doesn't blow it." Smith tossed a small plastic black box to Frank. "Garage door opener," he explained. He glanced at his watch. "Now you've got fourteen minutes and twenty seconds."
"See you in ten," Frank smirked as he strutted through the door.
Once outside, Frank quickly walked several blocks and then hailed a taxi. Two minutes later, he stepped from the taxi into the high-priced restaurant district of Southport, the parking lots bulging with expensive cars ranging from Cadillacs to Sterlings.
Frank knew the type of car that would best impress a chopper like Smith - a high-profile speedy sports car with high resale parts.
He casually crossed the street and entered a parking lot from the shadowy side of the restaurant, away from the parking valet who stood out in front of the driveway.
He strolled up to a midnight blue Porsche, using his peripheral vision to keep track of the valet and anybody else who might see him.
In a few seconds he was sitting in the Porsche's red leather front seat, its engine rumbling to life. He kept the lights off so as not to attract the valet's attention and slowly pulled the car out of its parking space. He guided the car toward the rear of the parking lot, away from the valet and traffic of the restaurant.
He let the car hop the