douchey player, but I know him well enough now to realize that isn’t really the case. He just likes to get me fired up. Not today though. I push all thoughts of Nik’s sexy smile from my mind. I need to be completely focused unless I want to spend the afternoon eating mat, which I don’t.
“So what’s the plan for today?”
“Since you’ve been working so hard with Viktor all summer, I figured I’d give you a special treat.”
“Which is?” I ask suspiciously. I know better than to trust Nik inside the training center. I have to be prepared at all times because he’s always testing me.
“A chance to try and prove yourself and get me on my back in the process.” I track each of his movements. If I let my guard down, he will take advantage.
“Cocky much?” I ask, braiding my hair with deft fingers. Nik’s feeling frisky. Judging by the roguish look on his face, it’s probably best not to give him anything to grab onto. I swiftly tie off my braid as Nik begins to circle. Keeping my eyes trained on him, I assume a defensive stance shifting my weight to the balls of my feet. Before I can determine whether or not I should attack, Nik takes the decision out of my hands.
Nik lunges forward and my instincts take over. His fist shoots past my head as I duck under his extended arm. I ball my own fist and deliver a counter strike to his midsection. The blow lands solidly on his right side. Before I can withdraw he brings his knee up and drives it into my chest. I stumble backward and land on my ass.
“I thought you’d been practicing?” Nik taunts.
“Shut it,” I growl through gritted teeth as I jump back to my feet. I can’t let him get inside my head. If I do this match will be over before it begins.
I go on the offensive as soon as my feet hit the ground. I surge forward delivering a triple kick that drives Nik backward across the mat. Outside kick, spinning back hook, roundhouse. Although he yields his position on the mat, Nik blocks them all. I drop to the mat and attempt to sweep his feet out from under him, but Nik easily dodges. He flips gracefully over my head and as I spin around I get an elbow strike to the temple for my effort. The force of the blow causes me to bite my lip and I feel a warm trickle of blood making its way down my chin.
We go at it like this for a while. Punch, kick, block, roll, sweep, kick, dodge. It’s a vicious and brutal cycle. Seeking to end the match, I roll to the left and spring up from the mat, driving my palm into the underside of Nik’s chin. His head snaps back and I follow up with a spinning back fist. He retaliates with a kick to the back of my right knee. I crumple to the mat and just barely manage to block the fist that very nearly crushes my throat as Nik descends upon me.
I’m faster and stronger, but Nik’s a more patient and skilled fighter. As Nik and I lay on the mat, arms locked, both struggling to gain the advantage, I contemplate the knife in my boot. Probably not a good idea. Pulling a weapon is likely to be considered bad sportsmanship in hand-to-hand combat. Besides, it’s only training. Nik lets out a groan and I tentatively raise my eyes to meet his.
When our eyes lock I know I’m in trouble. Big trouble. I’ve seen that smoldering look before. In my experience it precedes a smoking hot kiss. Nik’s lids are hooded and his breath is coming hard and fast as the weight of his well-muscled body presses my back into the mat. I’m trapped. My own breath catches in my throat and my grip on his forearm falters. Before I know what’s happening, I’m face down on the mat, arms bound behind my back.
“Do. You. Yield?”
“Bloody hell!” I scream, angry at myself for being a sucker. I should have seen that coming. Nik’s been known to play a little dirty when it comes to me.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughs and releases me. I sit up and rub my wrist, giving Nik the dirtiest look I can muster. I doubt he even notices. He’s too