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Red Dawn
Book: Red Dawn Read Online Free
Author: J.J. Bonds
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too overwhelming imprinted on her blood.”
    “How reassuring,” I say as I roll my eyes. I take one final look at the glass before deciding that I’m as calm as I’m going to get. “Cheers.”
    I try to do as Anya’s instructed, taking small sips, but by the fifth one I’m ready to quit. My mind is flooded with this anonymous woman’s life. Unwanted memories and conflicting emotions burst into my mind scattered and meaningless, impossible to sort out . Soccer game, funeral, graduation, spaghetti dinner, child birth, wedding, sailing on the lake. Flashes of her life just keep coming, swirling around inside my head as if they were my own. Only they’re not mine. I feel my calm slipping away as my mind rejects the visions and fights back against this cranial invasion. Even these menial events, with their emotional highs and lows, are too much for me to handle. My own emotions are somersaulting. They burn through me like brush fire seeking an outlet for release. There’s a small whimper and it takes me a minute to realize that the sound came from my own lips.
    “I’m done. I can’t do it.” I push the nearly full glass back toward Anya and drop my hands into my lap. I try to still my shaking knees before Anya notices. I’ve shown enough weakness for one day and though I hate to admit defeat, I cannot drink from that glass again . I won’t.
    “Alright. That’s enough for today then.” We study one another silently. I can only imagine what she’s thinking. I doubt it’s anything good. “We’ll try again next week.”
    “Do we have to?” I ask, already knowing the answer. Given the opportunity I’d trade this talent for just about anything else. I can’t think of a single practical use for these visions and they certainly don’t agree with me. No amount of practice is going to change that fact.
    “Yes. But for the rest of today’s session we can work on something simpler. How do you feel about compulsion?”
    “Mind control?” I reply smiling wickedly. “I’m there.”

    Chapter Four
    I inhale deeply as I enter the gym. The day is humid and the scent of sweat and blood hangs in the air mixing sweetly with lemon cleaner. It’s a welcoming smell. For the first time since returning to Crossroads I truly feel at home. Here, in the gym, everything is just as it should be. Mats, sparring dummies, lots and lots of weapons. What more could a girl ask for? As I soak in the energy of the training center, I note that Garcia’s been busy. He’s added a new obstacle course. It looks wicked tough and I can’t wait to give it a try. It’s almost enough to make me forget why I’m here. Almost . Truth is, I’m not sure there’s anything that could erase the violent churning in my stomach.
    I have mixed feelings about resuming training with Nik. I was thrilled when he first messaged me with the offer. I wasn’t sure if he’d have the time since it’s his last year at Crossroads and there’s still a lot I can learn from him. On the other hand, I’m in the dark on the status of our possibly nonexistent relationship. It’s occupying my mind far more than it should. Damn raging hormones! I really need to get myself under control.
    Shaking off my lusty thoughts, I swing my gym bag over my shoulder and head for the blood cooler where Nik’s standing with his back to me. I can’t help but notice the way his hair curls over the collar of his t-shirt. It’s been a while since he’s had a haircut. It suits him.
    “Hey slacker,” he teases, turning as I approach.
    “Right back at you.”
    “Hardly. I’ve already loosened up.” He gives me ‘the smile’; the one that says he knows just how good he looks in his fitted workout gear and he’s not above using it to his advantage. “As always, I’m ready to go.”
    “Of course you are,” I respond, rolling my eyes. I’m pretty sure he uses the suggestive innuendos to throw me off my game. There was a time when I thought Nik was nothing but a
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