"What the fuck are you doing out there? He's killing you," Colin's trainer Jimmy said, not holding anything back.
"I know Jimmy. It's my face getting beat in," Colin replied.
Jimmy was not one for pep talks. He was a no nonsense kind of guy. And as Colin sat in the corner of the cage getting the blood and sweat wiped off his face between rounds, the long odds that Colin faced struck him more than ever. The cold hard facts were that Colin had little chance of winning the fight. He was getting completely demolished. Trent seemed to be too quick, too strong--unbeatable.
Colin wasn't the kind of man to give in though. In ten years of professional fighting, he'd never thrown in the towel. He'd never even thought of it. Colin was too competitive to give up. He still had the will to win. So he was going to go out there and give it all he had.
Jimmy meanwhile had other things on his mind. "What the hell is going on with you? Have you forgotten the game plan?"
"I haven't had time for the game plan. I've been too busy trying to dodge punches," Colin said.
"Well look. This is a whole new round. A whole new beginning. Go out there and give it to him. Show him the Colin that has struck fear into your opponents for years," Jimmy replied.
Colin then dug deep, knowing it was do or die time. If he was going to make a run at winning the fight, it was his last chance.
"Alright," Colin said.
"You got enough left in the tank?" Jimmy asked.
Colin nodded. "Let's do this."
As Colin and Trent stood in their corners getting ready for round three, Colin knew that his only chance was to try to strike fast. To take a few shots at Trent's head to try and knock him off his game. There was no way that Colin could go the distance. He couldn't go toe to toe for three more rounds. He'd have to try to end it fast or risk being completely overpowered.
The problem with such an aggressive strategy was that if Trent was able to withstand Colin's initial surge, Colin's defenses would be down and he'd be a sitting duck. But that was the risk Colin had to take. He only had so much fuel left in his tank. He was both emotionally and physically worn down. It was now or never.
So as round three started, Colin went right at Trent. He managed to land a few quick jabs on Trent, hoping to get him on the defensive so Colin could pull out the big guns. But Colin's punches didn't even seem to faze Trent. It was as if Trent was a steamroller, and he wasn't going to stop until he ran Colin straight over.
Trent fought off Colin's initial attack, then launched a counter strike of his own. Trent's jabs packed a serious punch though. He was tired of messing around. Trent wanted to end the fight right there. So Trent bowled Colin over with his brute strength, swinging with all his might. Colin just couldn't keep up with Trent's speed. He could only dodge so many punches. Then, Colin's luck finally ran completely out. Trent went right at Colin's face and hit Colin with a right cross that felt like getting hit with a sledgehammer.
It was a direct hit--right to the kisser. Colin flopped to the mat, completely unconscious. And like that, Colin was done for.
Colin had never been knocked out before. He'd never been unconscious either. That night Colin had the unpleasant experience of doing both. The doctor at the arena told Colin that he had a concussion. That he'd have to take it easy for a while. That he should feel lucky that it wasn't worse.
Colin didn't feel lucky though. All Colin felt at that moment was pain. There was an ache in his body that seemed like it wouldn't go away anytime soon. He hadn't felt that exhausted in his whole life. Colin wanted to put an ice pack over every inch of his body.
During the fight, Colin's adrenaline carried him through. But now that the rush was gone, all Colin was left with was pain, frustration, and